10 Best Rxjs Courses and Certifications Online 2024 (2024)

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10 Best Rxjs Courses and Certifications Online 2024 (1)When it comes to learning Rxjs, finding a high-quality online course can be a challenge. Whether you are a seasoned developer looking to expand your skills or a beginner seeking to enhance your understanding of reactive programming, selecting the best course can make all the difference. In this article, we will explore some of the top-rated Rxjs courses available online and provide an overview of their key features to help you make an informed decision.

Here’s a look at the Best Rxjs Courses and Certifications Online and what they have to offer for you!

  • 10 Best Rxjs Courses and Certifications Online
    • 1. RxJs In Practice (with FREE E-Book) by Angular University (Udemy) (Our Best Pick)
    • 2. Reactive Angular Course (with RxJs, Angular 14) by Angular University (Udemy)
    • 3. RxJS 7 and Observables: Introduction by Jurek Wozniak (Udemy)
    • 4. RXJS – Covering The Essential Topics With Practical Examples by Mohammad Kily (Udemy)
    • 5. RxJS 101 by Matthew Keener (Udemy)
    • 6. Master RxJS Without Breaking A Sweat by Maurice de Beijer (Udemy)
    • 7. RxJS Operators by Daniel Stern (Udemy)
    • 8. RxJS – Mastering Observables, Subjects and Operators by Daniel Stern (Udemy)
    • 9. Mastering RxJS Higher Order Observables by Rupesh Tiwari (Udemy)
    • 10. Learning Rxjs the right way by Haider Malik (Udemy)

1. RxJs In Practice (with FREE E-Book) by Angular University (Udemy) (Our Best Pick)

The RxJs In Practice course offered by Angular University aims to provide a complete practical guide to the RxJs library. The course is designed to help developers of all levels understand and implement the core concepts of Reactive Programming using practical examples.

The course begins by introducing the baseline reactive design concepts and explaining the steep learning curve involved in RxJs and Reactive Programming. It then offers an extended catalog of commonly used RxJs operators and provides practical examples for each. The course also emphasizes the importance of using RxJs for building programs in Reactive Design.

The course covers a range of operators, including Map, Filter, shareReplay, concat, concatMap, merge, mergeMap, exhaustMap, switch, and switchMap. It also covers error handling strategies, such as catch and recover, catch and rethrow, and retry. The course explores the notion of subject and provides examples of commonly used subjects, such as BehaviorSubject and AsyncSubject. It also covers other commonly used operators, including withLatestFrom, forkJoin, take, first, delay, delayWhen, and startWith.

The course concludes by guiding students on how to implement their custom pipeable operator called a debugging operator. The course aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the RxJs library and how it can be used to build applications in reactive style.

The course consists of six sections, including Introduction to RxJs, Essential RxJs Operators + Reactive Design, RxJs Error Handling, Building a RxJs Custom Operator, RxJs Subjects and the Store Pattern, and Conclusion. The course includes a free e-book called Typescript Jumpstart.

2. Reactive Angular Course (with RxJs, Angular 14) by Angular University (Udemy)

The Reactive Angular Course with RxJs and Angular 14 is designed for Angular developers who want to learn how to build applications in Reactive style using only plain RxJs. The course aims to teach the catalog of commonly used design patterns, including some anti-patterns, that every Angular developer should know. The course includes a running Github repository with the finished code, as well as starting points for different sections of the course.

The course answers the question of how far an Angular developer can go using only plain RxJs without introducing any state management library. The techniques taught in the course are well-suited for a wide range of applications, particularly in-house built enterprise applications. The course covers how to use RxJs and understand the advantages and pitfalls of the reactive approach. The course also discusses simplified state management techniques that are adequate and sufficient for a large range of applications.

The course starts with a small Angular application written in imperative style and talks about some of the problems of that approach. The course then refactors the application and explains how to implement it in reactive style. The course includes a detailed explanation of every RxJs operator that is needed in the course. The course covers how to use RxJs behavior subjects and step-by-step reactive style solutions for common UI functionality like loading indicators or error messages.

The course covers topics such as refactoring a reactive application to OnPush change detection, managing user authentication state with plain RxJs, and local vs global services. At the end of the course, the learner will be familiar with commonly needed reactive design patterns and pitfalls to avoid.

The Reactive Angular Course with RxJs and Angular 14 is divided into several sections, including Introduction, Stateless Observables Services, Reactive Component Interaction, Authentication State Management, Master-Detail UI Pattern (with built-in State Management), The Single Data Observable Pattern, and Conclusions and Course Summary. The course aims to teach the learner how to design and develop Angular applications in reactive style using only plain RxJs.

3. RxJS 7 and Observables: Introduction by Jurek Wozniak (Udemy)

The RxJS 7 and Observables: Introduction course is designed for individuals who want to learn about Observables and how they work in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step manner. Whether you’re new to RxJS or have experience with it, this course can help you gain a better understanding of the mechanics of the Observables.

The course is designed to provide a slow and detailed introduction to the basics of Observables and RxJS. It covers the core concepts of RxJS, including Observables, Subscriptions, Observers, Creation Functions, Pipeable Operators, and Subjects. The course is ideal for those who are new to RxJS, as well as experienced users who need to fill gaps in their understanding.

The first few sections of the course delve into the basics of Observables and reactive programming. These sections cover the idea of streams, how data is received when using Observables, and how to execute an Observable by making Subscriptions. The course also explains how to react to notifications emitted by providing Observers and uses Marble Diagrams to provide a graphical representation of each feature.

After the introductory sections, the course moves on to more practical uses of RxJS. It covers Creation Functions, which allow users to create Observables from various sources, such as arrays, DOM events, HTTP requests, timers, and intervals. The course also covers Pipeable Operators, which create more complex Observables, and Subjects, which are a special type of Observable that emit a value to all Observers.

Upon completion of the course, you will be able to start using Observables and other RxJS tools in your apps, and understand articles, videos, and docs on the Internet. The course uses OpenMoji emojis and icons in some of the videos (CC BY-SA 4.0 license).

4. RXJS – Covering The Essential Topics With Practical Examples by Mohammad Kily (Udemy)

The RXJS – Covering The Essential Topics With Practical Examples course is designed for those who want to become an RXJS developer. The course begins with an explanation of the essential topics and concepts of RXJS to provide a strong foundation for learners. The course then progresses to creating more complex projects, such as Posts Getter, Todo List, Mouse Tracker, and Text Tracker.

The essential topics covered in the course include Observables, Subjects and Behaviour Subjects, and the difference between Subjects and Observables. Additionally, learners will be introduced to essential operators such as Ajax, From, Iif, FromEvent, Count, Max, Min, Map, GroupBy, Reduce, Filter, First, Last, Skip, Throttle, Concat, Merge, ForkJoin, Tap, Delay, and ToArray.

After covering the fundamentals, the course progresses to implementing RXJS knowledge in practical examples. The projects include building a Posts List that gets random posts from an API using the RXJS Ajax operator, creating a Todo List that allows users to add and remove todos, developing a Mouse Tracker that listens for mouse events and displays the x and y coordinates of the click, and creating a Text Tracker that checks the amount of characters and words in user-generated text.

The course is divided into five sections: RXJS Observables, RXJS Operators, RXJS Subjects, Project 1 – Building A Posts Lists, Project 2 – Building A Todo List, Project 3 – Creating A Mouse Tracker, and Project 4 – Creating A Text Tracker. The course is friendly to beginners who know nothing about RXJS and aims to rapidly guide learners to become proficient in RXJS development.

5. RxJS 101 by Matthew Keener (Udemy)

Course Title: RxJS 101

Course Instructors: Matthew Keener

Course Short Description: Learn the basics of RxJS and get up and running quickly.

Course Long Description: RxJS is often considered to have a daunting learning curve. However, this course aims to assist Javascript programmers of all levels of experience in learning the essential requirements to be effective with the RxJS library. Additionally, this course is framework agnostic, which implies that users do not need to know React, Vue, or Angular to follow along. The course has been designed in vanilla Javascript, eliminating the need to know Typescript.

Course Content and Sections:

1. Introduction & Setup
2. Observables
3. Creators
4. Operators
5. The Maps
6. Http
7. Subjects
8. Weather Project
9. Conclusion

This course is divided into nine sections that cover various aspects of RxJS, starting with the basics and progressing through the essential features. The first section provides an introduction to the course and guides learners through the setup process. Subsequent sections teach about observables, creators, operators, the Maps, Http, Subjects, and the Weather Project. Finally, the course concludes with a summary of the main concepts and ideas covered throughout the course.

The course has been constructed with a deliberate emphasis on the most important concepts of RxJS. The course instructor has ensured that the course is suitable for all levels of experience, so even newcomers to RxJS can benefit from it.

The absence of frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular, and the usage of vanilla Javascript, has made this course more flexible and adaptable. This course provides learners with the necessary skills to be successful with RxJS, regardless of their previous experience or lack thereof.

6. Master RxJS Without Breaking A Sweat by Maurice de Beijer (Udemy)

The Master RxJS Without Breaking A Sweat course is designed for individuals who are struggling to learn the Reactive Extensions Library for JavaScript, RxJS. The goal of the course is to teach students how to solve common programming problems using RxJS.

The course instructor, Maurice de Beijer, will cover a variety of topics, including why developing with observables is so powerful, how to create observables using different functions, how to use different operators to manipulate observable streams, and when to use observables in different scenarios. By the end of the course, students will have the necessary knowledge and skills to solve common programming problems using RxJS.

This course is suitable for individuals with varying levels of experience working with RxJS. Beginners can start from the beginning, while those who have already used RxJS can focus on specific scenarios and use other videos as needed. A reasonable understanding of JavaScript is a prerequisite, as well as access to a modern browser and code editor.

The course is broken down into several sections, including an introduction, creating observables, using operators, scenarios, and an RxJS 7 update. The course concludes with a wrap-up session.

7. RxJS Operators by Daniel Stern (Udemy)

The RxJS Operators Course, led by instructor Daniel Stern, provides a comprehensive guide to mastering RxJS Operators from Buffer to Zip. This course is designed to help developers build web applications with confidence. RxJS is one of the fastest growing and most important libraries in the JavaScript and Web Development ecosystem today. This course provides detailed explanations and thorough demos of EVERY operator that RxJS has to offer in one place.

The course is packed with demos and includes over four hours of lectures. It is the most comprehensive way of learning RxJS available on the net today. Upon completion of the course, developers will become more valuable Angular developers and will be better equipped to deal with tough web development problems. They will also learn programming best practices and become more confident in dealing with asynchronous challenges.

This course includes everything developers need to know to be a master of RxJS operators, including detailed explanations and demos of each operator, appropriate use cases for various operators, using webpack to write RxJS with ES6 in the browser, access to dozens of demo files written by the Code Whisperer, a comprehensive exam at the end of the course, and a challenge task to continue learning.

The course offers special discounts on other Code Whisperer courses, and Udemy’s 100% money-back guarantee ensures that developers are satisfied or can receive a full refund. Angular and RxJS developers are some of the best paid jobs in the industry, making this course a valuable investment for any developer interested in these fields.

The course is divided into several sections, including an Introduction, Basic Operators (Operators 101), Intermediate Operators (Operators 201), Advanced Operators (Operators 301), Culminating Activity – RxJS Redux Implementation, and Conclusion. Free preview courses are available for developers who are still unsure about signing up.

8. RxJS – Mastering Observables, Subjects and Operators by Daniel Stern (Udemy)

The RxJS – Mastering Observables, Subjects and Operators course is designed to teach students how to effectively use observables and asynchronous data streams with the RxJS library. With nearly 20,000 stars on GitHub, RxJS is one of the most popular and fastest-growing libraries on the web.

Throughout the course, students will learn how to use RxJS effectively by observing informative slides, receiving explanations of every concept in basic terms, coding along in five demo clips, and working with the exclusive RxJS Playground provided to users of the course.

The course covers a variety of topics, including RxJS Observables and Observers, RxJS Subjects, Behavior Subjects, and Replay Subjects, RxJS Operators, and the Advantages and Disadvantages of Reactive X.

The Code Whisperer, Daniel Stern, guarantees that students will feel more confident in job interviews involving Angular or RxJS, integrate more effectively into teams using these technologies, feel more confident around async code, and learn and have fun. If these guarantees do not match up with students’ reality, they can receive a full refund via Udemy’s refund policy with no questions asked.

The course is broken down into six sections: Introduction, RxJS Observables, RxJS Subjects, RxJS Operators, RxJS Schedulers, and Conclusion. Students will gain valuable skills that will make them more valuable to any agile Angular team.

Take advantage of the special price listed and sign up today to master observables, subjects, and operators with RxJS.

9. Mastering RxJS Higher Order Observables by Rupesh Tiwari (Udemy)

The Mastering RxJS Higher Order Observables course, taught by Rupesh Tiwari, is designed to help learners gain a deep understanding of important RxJS operators from scratch. The course covers Higher-Order Observables, Operators, and their behaviors through visual aids like Marble Diagrams. Additionally, learners will be taught when and where to use different kinds of RxJS Higher Order Mapping Operators in their projects.

The course begins with setting up necessary libraries, source code, and tools. Rupesh Tiwari then delves into teaching First Order Observables and why learners need Higher Order Observables. The course further progresses to cover Higher Order Observables with coding challenges and their solutions. Learners will also be taught about 4 important Higher Order Mapping Operators with their corresponding Marble Diagrams, and how they can benefit from their use. Finally, the course concludes with a couple of challenges to solve on an Angular project, with their solutions provided.

Throughout the course, learners will have access to exercise source code and the final solution source code from the Getting started module. The course is designed to include both theoretical and practical coding sessions, ensuring learners have a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

The Mastering RxJS Higher Order Observables course is an ideal choice for those looking to gain deeper insights into RxJS Higher Order Observables and work on real-world Angular projects using Higher Order Mapping Operators.

10. Learning Rxjs the right way by Haider Malik (Udemy)

The course titled “Learning Rxjs the right way” is focused on providing a step-by-step guide to understanding the Rxjs Library. RxJS is a library that facilitates the composition of asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. It offers one core type, the Observable, as well as satellite types (Observer, Schedulers, Subjects) and operators inspired by Array#extras to enable handling of asynchronous events as collections.

ReactiveX combines the Observer pattern with the Iterator pattern and functional programming with collections to provide an ideal way of managing sequences of events. The essential concepts in RxJS which solve async event management are Observable, Observer, Subscription, Operators, Subject, and Schedulers. Observable represents an invokable collection of future values or events while Observer is a collection of callbacks that listens to values delivered by the Observable. Subscription represents the execution of an Observable and is primarily useful for cancelling the execution. Operators are pure functions that enable a functional programming style of dealing with collections, and Subject is the equivalent to an EventEmitter, which multicasts a value or event to multiple Observers. Schedulers are centralized dispatchers that control concurrency, allowing coordination when computation happens.

Conceptually, promises are a subset of observables. In contrast to a promise that is a value that will resolve asynchronously, observables deal with a sequence of asynchronous events. These events could be mouse positions, clicks, user input, etc. Therefore, observables are richer and more complex abstractions for handling asynchronicity. Labeling observables as promises + helper methods is an oversimplification. The answer to whether to use observables or promises depends on whether you need to deal with a sequence of events or if you can live with “simple” synchronicity.

The course covers various sections, including Rxjs Basics, Creational Operators, Join Creation Operators, Transformation Operators, Filtering, Utility, Error Handling, and Subscription, Subject, and Scheduler.

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10 Best Rxjs Courses and Certifications Online 2024 (2024)


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