Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (2024)

Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (1)

Have you ever found yourself hopelessly outmatched against an Akali in a heated match of League of Legends? You’re not alone. This agile assassin has become a nightmare for many players due to her burst damage and elusiveness. However, fear not, as today we’re going to reveal the best 5 Akali counters in League of Legends and dissect the winning strategies to help you conquer the battlefield.

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The beauty of League of Legends lies in its diversity and depth. The varied champion pool provides ample opportunities to turn the tide in your favor. To tackle an agile assassin like Akali, one needs to consider champions that can anticipate and counter her aggressive playstyle effectively.

Akali: Top Champion Counters Winrate Data

Armed with this critical knowledge about Akali counters in League of Legends, let’s take a closer look at the champions that have been giving Akali a tough time in terms of win rate data. These champions, through either direct combat advantage or superior tactical implications, have managed to outshine Akali in the rift.

ChampionWin RateNumber of Games

These champions have demonstrated high win rates against Akali in World Platinum + games, making them excellent choices for countering Akali at various stages of the game.

Statistically, five champions have consistently shown high win rates against Akali – Neeko, Galio, Anivia, Nautilus, and Xerath. It’s not just about their raw power; these champions have specific skill sets that challenge Akali’s unique abilities and playstyle. By understanding these matchups, you can take a significant step towards mastering the game.

We’ll delve into each of these champions in the following sections, examining the nuances of their matchups with Akali and giving you the arsenal you need to improve your play.

Neeko vs Akali: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (2)

Moving onto our first champion, Neeko is a deceptively tricky opponent for Akali. The Curious Chameleon is well-equipped to keep the rogue assassin in check with her eclectic blend of crowd control and burst damage abilities.

Neeko’s unique skill set allows her to bamboozle her enemies and capitalize on their confusion. With her passive ability ‘Inherent Glamour’, Neeko can disguise herself as an allied champion, which can trick Akali into wasting her abilities on a deceptive target. In comparison, Neeko’s Q ‘Blooming Burst’, when well timed, can match Akali’s agility and cause significant damage, forcing her to retreat.

Neeko vs Akali: Combos and Skill Interactions

Diving deeper into the complexity of this matchup, let’s analyze the potential combos and skill interactions between Neeko and Akali. Understanding these interactions will give you a significant edge in your game.

Akali’s primary strength lies in her swift, sudden strikes that allow her to dart in and out of battles. However, Neeko’s E ability ‘Tangle-Barbs’ can root Akali, preventing her from using her mobility to full effect. Furthermore, if Neeko can manage to land her ultimate, ‘Pop Blossom’, it could deal devastating damage to Akali, potentially turning the tide of a fight.

Neeko vs Akali: Game Strategy

Developing an efficient game strategy against Akali as Neeko requires a deep understanding of the champion’s mechanics and precise execution of abilities. This isn’t just about landing skill shots, but also about understanding your opponent’s mentality.

In the early game, it’s essential to control the minion waves, allowing you to poke Akali with your Q and E. Use your passive ability ‘Inherent Glamour’ to create confusion and bait out her shroud ability ‘Twilight Shroud’, giving you an opportunity to engage or retreat safely.

Neeko vs Akali: Early Game Strategy

A good early game strategy is to focus on farming and poking Akali without overextending, as her ability to close gaps can catch you off guard. Use your basic attacks to last-hit minions while keeping your distance from Akali. Be sure to make liberal use of ‘Blooming Burst’ to keep Akali on her toes and whittle down her health.

Your main goal during the early game is to gain a level advantage and secure as much gold as possible while mitigating Akali’s potential burst. When playing defensively, you might consider taking Barrier or Heal as your secondary summoner spell for that extra bit of survivability.

Neeko vs Akali: Mid Game Strategy

In the mid-game, vision control becomes paramount. Akali excels at taking out isolated targets, so having vision in the key areas of the map can save you from being caught out. Continue to use your crowd control to disrupt Akali’s advances and burst her down when she oversteps.

As you gain more items and levels, your damage will spike, and you can start looking for more aggressive plays. Using ‘Tangle-Barbs’ into a well-placed ‘Pop Blossom’ can lead to some quick picks in skirmishes or team fights.

Neeko vs Akali: Late Game Strategy

Late game scenarios in League of Legends can be unpredictable, but the right approach and strategy can often dictate the outcome of the game. As the game progresses, Akali tends to become a significant threat with her full damage build. Your role as Neeko will evolve to be more of a crowd controller and zoning tool for your team.

Keep in mind that at this stage of the game, one successful team fight can secure victory. Position yourself safely in the backline and use ‘Tangle-Barbs’ and ‘Pop Blossom’ to disrupt Akali and her team’s formation during fights. Your goal is to protect your carries while dealing as much damage as possible to the enemy team.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Neeko vs Akali

To excel in this matchup, consider the following challenger-level insights:

  1. Skill Shot Prediction: Akali’s mobility can be hard to deal with, but it’s also predictable. Anticipate where she will move using her shuriken flip and land your abilities accordingly.
  2. Disguise Mind Games: Use your passive to confuse Akali. Transform into a low-health ally to bait her all-in, then surprise her with your burst damage and crowd control.
  3. Ultimate Timing: Akali’s shroud makes her hard to target. Try to time your ‘Pop Blossom’ to coincide with the end of her shroud duration. The delay on your ultimate gives you time to plan this.
  4. Vision Control: Use wards to keep track of Akali’s movements and deny her assassination opportunities. Vision is your best friend against assassins.

Galio vs Akali: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (3)

Galio, the Colossus, is a champion that often flies under the radar but can be an excellent counter to Akali due to his strong crowd control and natural tankiness. This gargoyle is renowned for turning the tide of team fights with his heroic entrances and for withstanding intense damage from enemies, including Akali.

Galio’s kit is highly effective in suppressing Akali’s assassinations. His Q, ‘Winds of War’, and E, ‘Justice Punch’, can be used to poke and engage, while his W, ‘Shield of Durand’, can taunt Akali out of her shroud, making her an easy target for his allies.

Galio vs Akali: Combos and Skill Interactions

Understanding the interactions between Galio’s and Akali’s abilities is crucial in mastering this matchup. Galio’s magic shield, granted by his passive ‘Colossal Smash’, can absorb a decent amount of Akali’s burst, giving him an edge in early trades.

One of the critical interactions in this matchup involves Akali’s W ‘Twilight Shroud’ and Galio’s W ‘Shield of Durand’. If Akali uses her shroud, Galio can channel his taunt to force Akali out of her safety zone, making her vulnerable to his abilities and allied attacks.

In the midst of combat, Galio can quickly turn the tables with his ultimate ‘Hero’s Entrance’. Not only does it provide a magic damage shield to an ally, but it also knocks up enemies upon landing, disrupting Akali’s combos and providing opportunities for your team.

Galio vs Akali: Game Strategy

In this match-up, one of the key Akali counters in League of Legends, your game strategy as Galio is centered around utilizing your crowd control to disrupt Akali, soaking up her damage and providing valuable peel for your teammates.

Galio vs Akali: Early Game Strategy

In the early game, concentrate on farming and poking Akali with your ‘Winds of War’. This will keep her at bay while also enabling you to clear minion waves efficiently. While trading, make sure to use ‘Shield of Durand’ judiciously to negate some of Akali’s burst damage.

Remember, your goal in the early game isn’t to eliminate Akali, but rather to keep her from snowballing. You’ll outshine her in team fights later on due to your crowd control and tankiness.

Galio vs Akali: Mid Game Strategy

As you transition into the mid-game, your role extends to being a protector for your team. As one of the substantial Akali counters in League of Legends, your job is to keep her at bay, preventing her from reaching your carries.

Keep a keen eye on the map to use your ultimate, ‘Hero’s Entrance’, effectively to thwart Akali’s attempts to assassinate your teammates. Remember, timing and location are everything when it comes to using your ultimate.

Galio vs Akali: Late Game Strategy

Late game is where Galio shines as one of the prominent Akali counters in League of Legends. With your team fight presence, crowd control, and damage absorption, you play a pivotal role in leading your team to victory.

In this phase, always stick with your team. Your role is to initiate fights or peel for your carries, depending on the situation. Try to catch Akali off guard with ‘Justice Punch’ followed by ‘Shield of Durand’, making her an easy target for your team.

Always be ready to use your ultimate, ‘Hero’s Entrance’, to save allies or disrupt the enemy backline. This ability is particularly effective against Akali’s ‘Perfect Execution’, keeping her from wreaking havoc on your team.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Galio vs Akali

Here are some advanced tips to further your prowess as Galio against Akali:

  1. Punish Aggression: Akali players tend to be aggressive. Capitalize on this by landing your full combo when she overextends.
  2. Taunt Out of Shroud: Remember, you can taunt Akali out of her shroud with your ‘Shield of Durand’. This can turn the tide of any fight.
  3. Map Awareness: Always keep an eye on the map for potential ‘Hero’s Entrance’ opportunities. Your ultimate can be a game-changer in team fights or skirmishes.

Anivia vs Akali: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (4)

Anivia, the Cryophoenix, is a mid-lane powerhouse with exceptional crowd control and zoning abilities, making her one of the nuanced Akali counters in League of Legends. Her kit allows her to stifle Akali’s movements and punish her aggression effectively.

Anivia’s Q, ‘Flash Frost’, can stun Akali, disrupting her flow of abilities. Her ultimate, ‘Glacial Storm’, creates an area of effect that slows Akali, reducing her mobility and increasing her susceptibility to your attacks.

Anivia vs Akali: Combos and Skill Interactions

Mastering the skill interactions between Anivia and Akali is critical for dominating this matchup. The combination of Anivia’s Q, ‘Flash Frost’, and E, ‘Frostbite’, can deal massive damage to Akali, especially when she’s slowed or stunned.

A crucial interaction to note involves Akali’s W, ‘Twilight Shroud’, and Anivia’s R, ‘Glacial Storm’. When Akali activates her shroud, you can use your ultimate to both reveal her position and slow her, making her an easier target for your ‘Flash Frost’ and ‘Frostbite’ combo.

Remember to leverage Anivia’s passive, ‘Rebirth’. Akali might get aggressive seeing you on low health, but this can be a bait as you’ll revive with a percentage of your health after a short duration.

Anivia vs Akali: Game Strategy

As one of the effective Akali counters in League of Legends, your strategy as Anivia is centered around controlling the battlefield with your crowd control and zoning abilities, keeping Akali at bay and preventing her assassinations.

Anivia vs Akali: Early Game Strategy

In the early game, focus on farming and using your Q, ‘Flash Frost’, to poke Akali and deny her farm. With Anivia’s high mana costs, it’s important to manage your mana effectively to prevent being left vulnerable.

Remember, your passive ‘Rebirth’ provides you a safety net, but don’t overly rely on it. A smart Akali can bait out your passive and kill you immediately after you revive, so position safely and play cautiously.

Anivia vs Akali: Mid Game Strategy

Moving into the mid-game, your objective is to use your abilities to zone Akali and prevent her from reaching your carries. Anivia’s R, ‘Glacial Storm’, is an exceptional tool for this, creating a large zone that slows enemies, reduces their attack speed, and deals continuous damage.

Stay aware of Akali’s position in team fights. If she uses her shroud, use your ultimate to reveal her position and slow her down. With this strategy, you’ll cement your place as one of the key Akali counters in League of Legends.

Anivia vs Akali: Late Game Strategy

Late game is where Anivia truly shines as one of the potent Akali counters in League of Legends. Your crowd control, area denial, and burst damage play a pivotal role in deciding team fights.

During this phase, your job is to control zones with ‘Glacial Storm’ and protect your carries from Akali. Remember, ‘Crystallize’ can be used as an unexpected tool to block Akali’s path and disrupt her attempts at diving your backline.

Your positioning is critical in this phase. Ensure you’re always in a place where you can quickly assist your team, but not too forward to be caught off guard by Akali’s burst.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Anivia vs Akali

Here are some advanced tips to refine your prowess as Anivia against Akali:

  1. Wall Placement: ‘Crystallize’ can be a game-changer if used correctly. Place your wall to split the enemy team, isolate Akali, or protect your carries.
  2. Ultimate Usage: Use ‘Glacial Storm’ to slow Akali and make it difficult for her to dodge your Q, ‘Flash Frost’. Remember, your ultimate can reveal Akali in her shroud.
  3. Bait with Passive: Your ‘Rebirth’ passive can be a powerful bait tool. Use this to lure Akali into unfavorable situations.

Nautilus vs Akali: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (5)

Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths, is a tanky support with excellent crowd control capabilities, making him one of the versatile Akali counters in League of Legends. His capacity to engage, disengage, and peel for his carries, combined with his innate tankiness, makes him a formidable opponent for Akali.

Nautilus’ Q, ‘Dredge Line’, allows him to catch Akali off guard, followed by his E, ‘Riptide’, for slowing and his ultimate, ‘Depth Charge’, for knock-up and stun. All these contribute to neutralizing Akali’s swift and elusive playstyle.

Nautilus vs Akali: Combos and Skill Interactions

Understanding and mastering the skill interactions between Nautilus and Akali is vital for controlling this matchup. A crucial skill to land is Nautilus’ Q, ‘Dredge Line’. Landing this skill can bring Akali within your team’s reach and initiate a follow-up crowd control sequence that can quickly end her.

When Akali uses her W, ‘Twilight Shroud’, to obscure herself, Nautilus’ ultimate, ‘Depth Charge’, can be used to reveal and disrupt her, providing your team a window to secure the kill.

Nautilus’ passive, ‘Staggering Blow’, also plays an integral role in this matchup as it provides a root effect on his basic attacks, keeping Akali in check when she gets too close.

Nautilus vs Akali: Game Strategy

Playing Nautilus as one of the Akali counters in League of Legends involves utilizing your crowd control capabilities to disrupt Akali’s rhythm and protect your carries.

Nautilus vs Akali: Early Game Strategy

Early game as Nautilus is about exerting pressure and establishing lane dominance. Utilize your Q, ‘Dredge Line’, to engage and land the first few hits, followed by E, ‘Riptide’, to slow Akali and deal additional damage.

Remember, your passive ‘Staggering Blow’ provides an additional layer of crowd control. This can be used to punish Akali when she oversteps or tries to engage. It’s important to communicate with your ADC to ensure maximum damage output during these short windows of crowd control.

Nautilus vs Akali: Mid Game Strategy

Mid-game focuses on peeling for your ADC and controlling objectives with your crowd control abilities. Keep an eye on Akali and use your abilities to keep her at bay. Utilizing your ultimate, ‘Depth Charge’, can effectively disable her during crucial moments in team fights.

Maintain vision control around objectives. This limits Akali’s opportunities for assassination and gives your team the upper hand in initiating fights.

Nautilus vs Akali: Late Game Strategy

In the late game, your role as Nautilus in the Akali counters roster is to continue peeling for your carries and control the battlefield. Use your Q, ‘Dredge Line’, and ultimate, ‘Depth Charge’, to initiate fights or disengage as necessary.

Your passive ‘Staggering Blow’ and E, ‘Riptide’, are excellent tools for controlling Akali’s movements during fights. Position yourself to prevent Akali from reaching your carries and use your abilities to disrupt her assassination attempts.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Nautilus vs Akali

To optimize your performance as Nautilus against Akali, consider the following advanced gameplay tips:

  1. Ultimate Timing: Use your ‘Depth Charge’ to disrupt Akali’s combos. Timing this skill correctly can mean the difference between your carry’s death and Akali’s.
  2. Passive Usage: Use your passive, ‘Staggering Blow’, wisely. It can only affect each enemy once every few seconds.
  3. Vision Control: Nautilus is great at securing vision for his team. Regularly use wards to keep tabs on Akali and deny her assassination opportunities.

Xerath vs Akali: Comprehensive Matchup Analysis

Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (6)

Xerath, the Magus Ascendant, has a unique set of abilities that make him a force to reckon with when countering Akali in League of Legends. His long-range abilities, high burst damage, and crowd control provide an exceptional kit to outplay Akali.

Xerath’s Q, ‘Arcanopulse’, and his W, ‘Eye of Destruction’, can poke and whittle down Akali from a safe distance. His E, ‘Shocking Orb’, provides a stunning mechanism to disrupt Akali’s aggressive playstyle.

Xerath vs Akali: Combos and Skill Interactions

A significant factor in this matchup is the effective use of Xerath’s skill combos against Akali. One key interaction involves landing a direct hit with ‘Eye of Destruction’, applying a slow, then following up with ‘Arcanopulse’ for a guaranteed hit.

When Akali uses her shroud, ‘Twilight Shroud’, it can be challenging to land your skill shots. In this situation, your ‘Rite of the Arcane’ can be useful as it provides an extended range to still reach Akali without getting too close.

Xerath vs Akali: Game Strategy

Playing as Xerath, one of the potent Akali counters in League of Legends, requires careful positioning and effective utilization of your long-range abilities.

Xerath vs Akali: Early Game Strategy

Early game as Xerath is all about maintaining distance and using your long-range poke to harass Akali. Your Q, ‘Arcanopulse’, and W, ‘Eye of Destruction’, are excellent tools for this. Remember, your goal is not necessarily to kill Akali early but to keep her low enough to deter her from initiating an all-in attack.

Xerath vs Akali: Mid Game Strategy

Mid-game is where you start to shine as Xerath. Continue to utilize your long-range abilities to apply pressure and control the battlefield. Your E, ‘Shocking Orb’, becomes an essential tool for self-peel against Akali’s aggressive advances.

Maintain safe positioning, and don’t wander alone. Akali will be looking for picks during this phase of the game, so stick with your team and provide long-range support during skirmishes and objective fights.

Xerath vs Akali: Late Game Strategy

As the late game approaches, your role as Xerath in the Akali counters lineup becomes more significant. Your damage output is high, and your ability to stay at a safe distance during team fights is crucial. Always aim to poke and prod the enemy team from a distance before a team fight ensues.

Advanced Gameplay Tips: Excelling as Xerath vs Akali

Here are some advanced tips for maximizing your impact as Xerath against Akali:

  1. Rite of the Arcane: Use your ultimate, ‘Rite of the Arcane’, to snipe low-health enemies from a distance. This ability can also be used to provide long-range support for teammates across the map.
  2. Predictive Shots: Akali is nimble, making it important to predict her movements when firing your abilities. Anticipate where she might dodge to land your skill shots.
  3. Positioning: Xerath lacks mobility, making positioning critical. Stay at the back of team fights and make sure to have a clear escape route in case Akali gets close.

Conclusion: Mastering Akali Counters in League of Legends

Playing against Akali can be daunting, but with the right champion and strategy, you can turn the tide in your favor. We have analyzed five potent Akali counters – Neeko, Galio, Anivia, Nautilus, and Xerath. Remember, these champions are effective tools in the right hands, and a good understanding of the game, along with precise execution, will make you a formidable opponent for any Akali player and on your way to becoming the Strongest Gamer! We hope this StrongestGames guide gives you some insight to help get to the top!

Q: Who are the best counters to Akali?

A: Neeko, Galio, Anivia, Nautilus, and Xerath are all considered effective counters to Akali. Each of these champions brings a unique set of abilities and strategic gameplay that can disrupt Akali’s plans and turn the game in your favor.

Q: How can I effectively use Xerath against Akali?

A: Xerath should capitalize on his long-range abilities to harass Akali from a safe distance. Furthermore, his E, ‘Shocking Orb’, is a great self-peel tool against Akali’s all-ins.

Q: Why is Nautilus considered a good counter to Akali?

A: Nautilus’ crowd control capabilities can greatly disrupt Akali’s movements and combos. Abilities like ‘Dredge Line’ and ‘Depth Charge’ are excellent for initiating or disengaging fights with Akali.

Q: What is the key to winning against Akali in the early game?

A: The key to winning the early game against Akali is to maintain a safe distance while continually poking and harassing her with your abilities.

Q: Can Anivia effectively counter Akali?

A: Yes, Anivia can indeed be an effective counter to Akali. Her crowd control abilities and potential to control zones during team fights can significantly limit Akali’s mobility.

Best 5 Akali Counters in League of Legends - Strongest Games (2024)


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