Casey's convenience store chain faces lawsuits over lost overtime pay (2024)

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Jessy Edwards|December 16, 2022

Category: Consumer News

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Casey's convenience store chain faces lawsuits over lost overtime pay (2)

Casey’s overtime class action lawsuits overview:

  • Who: Employees of Casey’s General Stores are suing the company in two separate lawsuits.
  • Why: The plaintiffs say they were cheated out of overtime wages.
  • Where: The Casey’s overtime class action lawsuits were filed in Iowa and Tennessee federal courts.

Employees of Casey’s General Stores Inc. have hit the convenience store chain with two near-identical lawsuits, alleging the company cheated workers out of their overtime wages.

The most recent of the two lawsuits was filed early December in an Iowa federal court by plaintiff Derek Powell, the Iowa Capital Dispatch reports. In August, a similar lawsuit was filed in a Tennessee federal court.

Casey’s made workers perform tasks during breaks, after work, lawsuits allege

The lawsuits allege Casey’s used company-wide methods to cheat its workers out of their overtime wages.

The techniques allegedly include asking workers to do tasks after they have clocked out, asking workers to work through their dinner breaks, and having managers edit the hours employees have worked so they reflect fewer hours than actually worked.

The lawsuits seek to represent any other Casey’s workers who may have been denied their overtime pay.

In 2015, Casey’s Marketing Company and Casey’s Retail Company settled a class action lawsuit that accused them of violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act with regard to their employment background checks.

What do you think of the claims in these Casey’s overtime class action lawsuits? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Matthew mcfate says:

    January 18, 2024 at 7:07 am

    I worked 18 hrs just Tuesday from 445am to 1015pm and I’m not getting any OT pay. Never in my life have I worked anywhere that doesn’t pay OT for extended shifts. And it’s not like I was covering for no shows, no I was scheduled for 18 hrs. Not to mention we had one of the worst snow storms in decades this week and the plow guy half assed it on his job so I shoveled the lot so we could have customers come in. Casey’s doesn’t appreciate good workers and it shows. I’m going to be looking for a new job immediately. All of my customers at Casey’s have said it’s ridiculous that I’m not getting OT for working the hours I do for this place. They do everything they can to avoid paying. Even working an 18 hr day they cut my other days to next to nothing to keep me under 40 so I’ll only get 39.5 hrs total for the week. I could make more on unemployment.


    1. Starting Class Action says:

      February 13, 2024 at 9:04 pm

      I work for Casey’s, and personally know a manager who knows the store weekly bank limit was $50,000.00 but got away with ordering $80,000.00 changing and erasing clocking and altering the schedules to match her crimes. She got fired, not prosecuted. Rumor has it, the RM taught her how to do it. So I advise you all, take a look at your pay stubs and see how many managers have simply placed a ” 0. ” In front of your overtime hours, turning hours into minutes. It’s how I got her fired. When I brought the numbers and then show her how she did it the only paid me regular hours. Claiming they could only send me the time for those not my time and a half. And what hurst most, I was fired wrongfully on my day of, blocked from rehired then rehired , to only have that manager tell me her boss say ” she has to drop my pay from $12.50 down to $12 because she was told to. That’s retaliation


  2. Mike says:

    October 23, 2023 at 2:45 am

    I work overnights here in Missouri and ended up getting 2nd ° burns on my hand due to staff neglance. Went to file for workman’s comp and then the attorney ended up dropping the case. Prior to that had to be carted out due to what appeared to be a heart attack… No incident report filed… Was told by our DM that I am not allowed to contact corporate. Got written up for money that was allegedly missing…. Managers constantly abusing their presumed authority. Filed a ethics complaint against one manager only for Corp to make it disappear. The GM here has Corp in her back pocket as they tell her whenever something is filed or is about to go down so that she can prepare for it. This company is extremely corrupt and needs to be held accountable.


  3. Candace Marie Argo says:

    July 13, 2023 at 6:21 am

    I worked for Casey’s for almost 5 years. I even quit for 3-4 months and I was called and asked to come back to fix the store up. I quickly went from a 2nd assistant to 1st assistant. No breaks and if I happen to go outside to take even 5, I was always having to rush back in to fix an issue. Never, ever did I receive a so called ‘lunch’. I was on call 24/7 (never got compensated for bc they still took it from my paychecks)and responsible to cover any/all missing shifts. I was never paid for my first two weeks due to constant store manager/district managers changing and or not taking it as priority. I was put into what they called”training hours” to keep them out of paying overtime. They did this to every single employee while I was there. It would allow you to work 40 hours and anything over would count as regular pay(not overtime) so the store manager could stay on budget as it didn’t count towards hours. Ridiculous. When I started to attempt to say anything to stop this, I was quickly put into a hostile environment to push me out by store manager and district. I have texts addressing this. the boss admitted that she did(I believe I worked a 65 hour week and never got overtime pay) The store manager refused to work weekends or holidays. I constantly heard…”well I’m over my 45 hours a week on salary so I’m not getting paid to be here.” I quickly got backlash bc I told her maybe you need to ask for more money as store manager if you feel that way bc this was her store she needed to take care of. I was told NOT to discuss pay with coworkers…Found out really quick they were not giving raises to older employees, and a person who was just hired would be making more than someone who had been there over six years. I worked 19.24 hours last Thanksgiving bc store manager would absolutely refuse to cover the call ins. I received a form of being reprimanded by the district manager for it. I received no breaks and my daughter who was 18 ended up working 17 of those 19hrs as well. So many many things that were not acceptable happened. I put on so many 11pm-1am closing to donut shifts3-30am and never even got a free slice of pizza or ty for it!! The whole company and the way it treats and overworks employees made me so sick. They should and need to be held accountable. I quit back in February and started working elsewhere due to being bullied and had my first and second(yes I was wrote up two different ways at the same time for calling in over missing work due to my mothers funeral!!!! I was working Xmas day long hours when she passed, I couldn’t grieve bc upper management refused to answer my calls all the while dealing with a busted water pipe,a teenage worker who threatened to punch another female worker(bc his mommy was friends with the boss, ABSOLUTELY nothing was done after I insisted to send him home for throwing kitchen things and cursing with customers/threatening and making employeesfeel uncomfortable, I was left to once again cover shifts..all to be written up and grievance paid denied with proof. My daughter n I worked the same hours for months when they were short on employees. I was told her n I could no longer work the same shifts due to my management position(I never showed any favorable anything to her over other employees. No one understood other than she was pushing us out. I was told family was not allowed to work same shifts or both hold management positions. However the male who threatened to punch her had both his mother(still does!) and his mothers sister holding management positions and working same hours. Make it make sense!!!!I I was also told the new kitchen manger she hired(been there/quit a dozen times was higher up than I was as 1st Assistant to her. She made me stop management duties to supposedly “teach” him everything I already knew. It was her way of getting me out by making it look like to the district manager, I wasn’t doing my job bc she’d put me elsewhere(not managing) as so to make him “learn it.” Found hard core bag of drugs on cashier side one day, took it immediately to the boss and said if a child picked this up if it were on other side it could be very very bad. You need to find out who’s it is. Nothing was done. I watched her toss it in trash never to be spoken about. Pulling cameras up I know why now….It was the kids mother who threatened the young girl. To this day I get customers still talking to me about how downhill and the wrongs they seen done. Tg for my community. I worked hard until the entire town knew who I was. The community kept me going and still does as my new job called me-did no interview and hired me on spot due to my customers and employees under me speaking so highly of me. I wanted the best for that company, and my co workers but look how this company treats hard working, considerate employees who truly cared about the success,cleanliness, and fair treatment for each and every employee… Nothing mattered to them other than lying cheating and manipulative strategies to push family and friends to work there under her. We were missing over 13000 packs of cigarettes, we lost money in December due to a so called scam an employee did totaling over 1800$, missing thousands of dollars in product after inventory…guess what? Never had we closed the store before for a meeting but the district manager came in calling her own employees and everyone working there a thief. No apologies when I spoke up as the old manager had left over 15 totes with 33cartons per tote , expired cigarettes in the back the previous manager was scared to tell her about them bc she would have been reprimanded for not sending them back for credit…Along with the Thousands of dollars of alcohol and food products she had employees destroy,toss In Dumpster, and not record for inventory all to clear out space. She allowed employees to”charge” and pay for items next check but never said anything to district. When I heard she was having lost prevention and possible theft charges dropped on innocent employees who thought theywere ok to do it bc old store mangager allowed…..I spoke up bc my employees didn’t deserve that at all and she would have never admitted to it but since I spoke up about all this she was confronted and had to admit she allowed it and got reprimanded for it instead of innocent hard working people having theft charges brought upon them she was willing to keep quiet until I so called“threw her under the bus”, no you needed to be held accountable instead of having others be here scapegoats. Another reason they pushed me out. I stood up for what was right and would accept responsibility if mistakes were made but that’s not what Casey’s seemed to have wanted. I didn’t realize the tremendous stress and just not wrong working conditions I was so accustomed to until my new job made me take my first completely uninterrupted break. I was so trained it gave me anxiety and I had to keep seeing if they happen to have needed me my help. “If you are interrupted on your break you must get paid for it made me laugh as over a consistent 4-5 yrs thinking how much more I wouldhad made if Casey’s abided the same along with paying the overtime as well. Sad such a big company treats people this way and constantly gets away with it somehow!!!!! Bsif only I made more due to being on call literally 24/7. Wait..they gave me a 4.00 a month add on for using my cell for work. Whooohoo It also took some getting used to not being bothered off hours every single time I had home time….but this all made me realize how much absolute chaos/stress Casey’s truly caused me and countless others. I could write novels on the wrong doings/corruption in this place. Never work or recommend anyone for them!!!!!!


  4. Robin Henderson says:

    May 30, 2023 at 11:37 am

    This has been going on for years!


  5. Nathan d mitchell says:

    March 15, 2023 at 7:24 pm

    This is happening all over mo too I even had my district manager( Janet smith) deny paying me my pto when I left the company and told me not to contact her about it and too bad


    1. Anon E. Mouse says:

      July 4, 2023 at 11:19 am

      Scheduled for breaks I’m expected to work thru, and I do, I’ve never taken a scheduled break, never been allowed to, yet they still schedule them to bring down labor hours for their bonuses. Worked off the clock plenty. Work 6 days a week as it is , never been compensated for time off clock.


  6. Sandra Johnsonsan says:

    March 13, 2023 at 5:06 am

    I was not asked the kitchen manager but else was asked I was here 3 years before her and I asked the manager about it she said that I had a bad back so I couldn’t do it well that’s discrimination cuz I wasn’t asked and that she said I was on able to do it because of injury I got here at Casey’s and there is all kinds of stuff going on here


    1. Brenda Countryman says:

      December 12, 2023 at 12:52 pm

      I was 2nd Assistant working full time. Then, store manager, Jenny Beatty, cut my hours down to 20-27 hrs/wk because hours were cut and you can’t work in the kitchen anymore due to arthritis in my hands.

      I can do other things like restocking cooler, backstock, prep work, such as veggies (we have a food chopper), etc. she said so and so needs hours too. Part time employees were at time’s getting more hours than I.
      I also didn’t take breaks because there were no one else or too busy to be relieved.
      Sign me up!!!


  7. Camille usher says:

    March 11, 2023 at 11:52 am

    I did this all the time when I worked there


  8. Christy says:

    January 19, 2023 at 2:20 pm

    Please add me! I was affected by this, too


  9. Rickey Guyton says:

    December 20, 2022 at 11:33 am

    Add me


    1. Yvonne says:

      December 13, 2023 at 10:42 am

      If this includes managers add me, was affected as well


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13 thoughts onCasey’s convenience store chain faces lawsuits over lost overtime pay

  1. Matthew mcfate says:

    January 18, 2024 at 7:07 am

    I worked 18 hrs just Tuesday from 445am to 1015pm and I’m not getting any OT pay. Never in my life have I worked anywhere that doesn’t pay OT for extended shifts. And it’s not like I was covering for no shows, no I was scheduled for 18 hrs. Not to mention we had one of the worst snow storms in decades this week and the plow guy half assed it on his job so I shoveled the lot so we could have customers come in. Casey’s doesn’t appreciate good workers and it shows. I’m going to be looking for a new job immediately. All of my customers at Casey’s have said it’s ridiculous that I’m not getting OT for working the hours I do for this place. They do everything they can to avoid paying. Even working an 18 hr day they cut my other days to next to nothing to keep me under 40 so I’ll only get 39.5 hrs total for the week. I could make more on unemployment.


    1. Starting Class Action says:

      February 13, 2024 at 9:04 pm

      I work for Casey’s, and personally know a manager who knows the store weekly bank limit was $50,000.00 but got away with ordering $80,000.00 changing and erasing clocking and altering the schedules to match her crimes. She got fired, not prosecuted. Rumor has it, the RM taught her how to do it. So I advise you all, take a look at your pay stubs and see how many managers have simply placed a ” 0. ” In front of your overtime hours, turning hours into minutes. It’s how I got her fired. When I brought the numbers and then show her how she did it the only paid me regular hours. Claiming they could only send me the time for those not my time and a half. And what hurst most, I was fired wrongfully on my day of, blocked from rehired then rehired , to only have that manager tell me her boss say ” she has to drop my pay from $12.50 down to $12 because she was told to. That’s retaliation


  2. Mike says:

    October 23, 2023 at 2:45 am

    I work overnights here in Missouri and ended up getting 2nd ° burns on my hand due to staff neglance. Went to file for workman’s comp and then the attorney ended up dropping the case. Prior to that had to be carted out due to what appeared to be a heart attack… No incident report filed… Was told by our DM that I am not allowed to contact corporate. Got written up for money that was allegedly missing…. Managers constantly abusing their presumed authority. Filed a ethics complaint against one manager only for Corp to make it disappear. The GM here has Corp in her back pocket as they tell her whenever something is filed or is about to go down so that she can prepare for it. This company is extremely corrupt and needs to be held accountable.


  3. Candace Marie Argo says:

    July 13, 2023 at 6:21 am

    I worked for Casey’s for almost 5 years. I even quit for 3-4 months and I was called and asked to come back to fix the store up. I quickly went from a 2nd assistant to 1st assistant. No breaks and if I happen to go outside to take even 5, I was always having to rush back in to fix an issue. Never, ever did I receive a so called ‘lunch’. I was on call 24/7 (never got compensated for bc they still took it from my paychecks)and responsible to cover any/all missing shifts. I was never paid for my first two weeks due to constant store manager/district managers changing and or not taking it as priority. I was put into what they called”training hours” to keep them out of paying overtime. They did this to every single employee while I was there. It would allow you to work 40 hours and anything over would count as regular pay(not overtime) so the store manager could stay on budget as it didn’t count towards hours. Ridiculous. When I started to attempt to say anything to stop this, I was quickly put into a hostile environment to push me out by store manager and district. I have texts addressing this. the boss admitted that she did(I believe I worked a 65 hour week and never got overtime pay) The store manager refused to work weekends or holidays. I constantly heard…”well I’m over my 45 hours a week on salary so I’m not getting paid to be here.” I quickly got backlash bc I told her maybe you need to ask for more money as store manager if you feel that way bc this was her store she needed to take care of. I was told NOT to discuss pay with coworkers…Found out really quick they were not giving raises to older employees, and a person who was just hired would be making more than someone who had been there over six years. I worked 19.24 hours last Thanksgiving bc store manager would absolutely refuse to cover the call ins. I received a form of being reprimanded by the district manager for it. I received no breaks and my daughter who was 18 ended up working 17 of those 19hrs as well. So many many things that were not acceptable happened. I put on so many 11pm-1am closing to donut shifts3-30am and never even got a free slice of pizza or ty for it!! The whole company and the way it treats and overworks employees made me so sick. They should and need to be held accountable. I quit back in February and started working elsewhere due to being bullied and had my first and second(yes I was wrote up two different ways at the same time for calling in over missing work due to my mothers funeral!!!! I was working Xmas day long hours when she passed, I couldn’t grieve bc upper management refused to answer my calls all the while dealing with a busted water pipe,a teenage worker who threatened to punch another female worker(bc his mommy was friends with the boss, ABSOLUTELY nothing was done after I insisted to send him home for throwing kitchen things and cursing with customers/threatening and making employeesfeel uncomfortable, I was left to once again cover shifts..all to be written up and grievance paid denied with proof. My daughter n I worked the same hours for months when they were short on employees. I was told her n I could no longer work the same shifts due to my management position(I never showed any favorable anything to her over other employees. No one understood other than she was pushing us out. I was told family was not allowed to work same shifts or both hold management positions. However the male who threatened to punch her had both his mother(still does!) and his mothers sister holding management positions and working same hours. Make it make sense!!!!I I was also told the new kitchen manger she hired(been there/quit a dozen times was higher up than I was as 1st Assistant to her. She made me stop management duties to supposedly “teach” him everything I already knew. It was her way of getting me out by making it look like to the district manager, I wasn’t doing my job bc she’d put me elsewhere(not managing) as so to make him “learn it.” Found hard core bag of drugs on cashier side one day, took it immediately to the boss and said if a child picked this up if it were on other side it could be very very bad. You need to find out who’s it is. Nothing was done. I watched her toss it in trash never to be spoken about. Pulling cameras up I know why now….It was the kids mother who threatened the young girl. To this day I get customers still talking to me about how downhill and the wrongs they seen done. Tg for my community. I worked hard until the entire town knew who I was. The community kept me going and still does as my new job called me-did no interview and hired me on spot due to my customers and employees under me speaking so highly of me. I wanted the best for that company, and my co workers but look how this company treats hard working, considerate employees who truly cared about the success,cleanliness, and fair treatment for each and every employee… Nothing mattered to them other than lying cheating and manipulative strategies to push family and friends to work there under her. We were missing over 13000 packs of cigarettes, we lost money in December due to a so called scam an employee did totaling over 1800$, missing thousands of dollars in product after inventory…guess what? Never had we closed the store before for a meeting but the district manager came in calling her own employees and everyone working there a thief. No apologies when I spoke up as the old manager had left over 15 totes with 33cartons per tote , expired cigarettes in the back the previous manager was scared to tell her about them bc she would have been reprimanded for not sending them back for credit…Along with the Thousands of dollars of alcohol and food products she had employees destroy,toss In Dumpster, and not record for inventory all to clear out space. She allowed employees to”charge” and pay for items next check but never said anything to district. When I heard she was having lost prevention and possible theft charges dropped on innocent employees who thought theywere ok to do it bc old store mangager allowed…..I spoke up bc my employees didn’t deserve that at all and she would have never admitted to it but since I spoke up about all this she was confronted and had to admit she allowed it and got reprimanded for it instead of innocent hard working people having theft charges brought upon them she was willing to keep quiet until I so called“threw her under the bus”, no you needed to be held accountable instead of having others be here scapegoats. Another reason they pushed me out. I stood up for what was right and would accept responsibility if mistakes were made but that’s not what Casey’s seemed to have wanted. I didn’t realize the tremendous stress and just not wrong working conditions I was so accustomed to until my new job made me take my first completely uninterrupted break. I was so trained it gave me anxiety and I had to keep seeing if they happen to have needed me my help. “If you are interrupted on your break you must get paid for it made me laugh as over a consistent 4-5 yrs thinking how much more I wouldhad made if Casey’s abided the same along with paying the overtime as well. Sad such a big company treats people this way and constantly gets away with it somehow!!!!! Bsif only I made more due to being on call literally 24/7. Wait..they gave me a 4.00 a month add on for using my cell for work. Whooohoo It also took some getting used to not being bothered off hours every single time I had home time….but this all made me realize how much absolute chaos/stress Casey’s truly caused me and countless others. I could write novels on the wrong doings/corruption in this place. Never work or recommend anyone for them!!!!!!


  4. Robin Henderson says:

    May 30, 2023 at 11:37 am

    This has been going on for years!


  5. Nathan d mitchell says:

    March 15, 2023 at 7:24 pm

    This is happening all over mo too I even had my district manager( Janet smith) deny paying me my pto when I left the company and told me not to contact her about it and too bad


    1. Anon E. Mouse says:

      July 4, 2023 at 11:19 am

      Scheduled for breaks I’m expected to work thru, and I do, I’ve never taken a scheduled break, never been allowed to, yet they still schedule them to bring down labor hours for their bonuses. Worked off the clock plenty. Work 6 days a week as it is , never been compensated for time off clock.


  6. Sandra Johnsonsan says:

    March 13, 2023 at 5:06 am

    I was not asked the kitchen manager but else was asked I was here 3 years before her and I asked the manager about it she said that I had a bad back so I couldn’t do it well that’s discrimination cuz I wasn’t asked and that she said I was on able to do it because of injury I got here at Casey’s and there is all kinds of stuff going on here


    1. Brenda Countryman says:

      December 12, 2023 at 12:52 pm

      I was 2nd Assistant working full time. Then, store manager, Jenny Beatty, cut my hours down to 20-27 hrs/wk because hours were cut and you can’t work in the kitchen anymore due to arthritis in my hands.

      I can do other things like restocking cooler, backstock, prep work, such as veggies (we have a food chopper), etc. she said so and so needs hours too. Part time employees were at time’s getting more hours than I.
      I also didn’t take breaks because there were no one else or too busy to be relieved.
      Sign me up!!!


  7. Camille usher says:

    March 11, 2023 at 11:52 am

    I did this all the time when I worked there


  8. Christy says:

    January 19, 2023 at 2:20 pm

    Please add me! I was affected by this, too


  9. Rickey Guyton says:

    December 20, 2022 at 11:33 am

    Add me


    1. Yvonne says:

      December 13, 2023 at 10:42 am

      If this includes managers add me, was affected as well


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.