Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (2024)

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July 14, 2012 - 10:29pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (1)

Alright so I know I'm a bit of a noob on here but I figured what the hell, it'll be a fun thread! So the topic's pretty much in the title...have any of you shared this with your pp's...I know from reading a few threads some of you are in relationships with inmates...even if you aren't have you? I have!:yup: I'm not in a relationship but we've been writing for about 2 years and we do this from time to time. It's fun for both of us and I know it helps him let off some of the sexual tension of doing a 10 year bid!

Now of course I'm not asking for all the dirty deets:o...just if you have done either of the two and (more so if you're not romantically involved with him/her) how did it transpire? It's Saturday night and I've had a few drinks so c'mon ladies and men let's have some fun and let those freak flags flyyyy!!!!:wales:


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July 14, 2012 - 10:34pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (2)

I don't even do phone sex with guys I've dated so no, I haven't done this. Nothing wrong it though as long as both are having fun.


July 14, 2012 - 11:05pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (3)

Haha my guy probably wishes. He will always make little comments. Thats when I say what? The phone cut out didn't hear what you said. I'm just a lil shy :) Haha


July 14, 2012 - 11:17pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (4)

Besides they record all phone calls so I'm not sure I'd want that out there for all to hear!


July 14, 2012 - 11:18pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (5)

I love this thread already.


July 14, 2012 - 11:19pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (6)

Letters seem like it would be so difficult. I dunno I couldn`t imagine sending one and being like maaaaaan he is gonna be so turned on in like 2 weeks. I`d think it would be hard to know what mood he was in at the time. Not that I`m in relationships with mine or anything. And with the phone it wouldn`t be private so I think I would just find it awkward. I like the idea until I actually think about it : )


July 14, 2012 - 11:20pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (7)

Well, all my pals calls are listened to by a live person, plus there's that "this call is from a federal prison" thing cutting in every five minutes. We're not in a romantic relationship but I can't see that I could do it even if I was.


July 14, 2012 - 11:22pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (8)

oh really, they cut in with that on all your calls? What do they think you might forget during your call that you are talking from someone from prison? LOL


July 14, 2012 - 11:26pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (9)

It is overkill. When you pick up the phone there's a recording saying that the call is prepaid from a federal prison and you have to press 5 to accept. Seeing as all calls are only fifteen minutes it would be hard to forget. That's also something to remember with the phone sex thing, all calls are only ever fifteen minutes.


July 14, 2012 - 11:29pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (10)

Oh, maybe that is prison specific because my pen pal in Illinois can get 1/2 hour calls and I know Melaniemn said she gets 2 hour calls.


July 14, 2012 - 11:43pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (11)

haha A always goes oh common its just you and me, the recording and whoever might potentially be listening to this call. lol.


July 14, 2012 - 11:44pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (12)

Yeah on every call it says this call is being recorded every few minutes, but I guess our mentality is that they may record it but they most likely don't listen in on EVERY call...either way it's part of the fun:woot:! It's kind of like an eff you to whoever's listening you know


July 14, 2012 - 11:47pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (13)

So you have phone sex with your pen pal but you aren't in a relationship with him? I suppose it might be easier to do it then.

July 14, 2012 - 11:49pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (14)

We've done both but we're married now. Our calls are 1/2 hour and there is no interruption until the 1 min mark. I'm the only one doing anything though because he's got dudes standing right there. Really only went full tilt with that once though though I will say stuff to put ideas in his head. Couple of little letters too. Mostly he just tells me he wants to save it all for our trailer. I think I pull him out of his comfort zone with stuff like that. I'm the exhibitionist - he's the shy one.


July 14, 2012 - 11:57pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (15)

No we've tossed the idea around but both of us agree it'd be best to see what happens after he gets released as far as relationships go. But we care for each other very much and like I said it's a really fun way to let off steam once in a while, but I understand it's not for everyone :)


July 15, 2012 - 1:37am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (16)

I have in past relationships some I wasn't in a relationship but it's innocent STD free fun. My guy and Flirt a lot but I made it clear I'm not ready for full sex letters just innuendos and such although we have talked about p*rn and that if either of us are caught watching it it is strictly for research purposes haha


July 15, 2012 - 1:44am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (17)

I know I said this before but c'monnn....don't be shy, I know there's more out there!!!:o And I know there's a few guys out there too!


July 15, 2012 - 2:39am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (18)

Oh I know I don't encourage it with all my penpals but lord have mercy it's this one. I call him tee my tiger and yes we do go full steam ahead recordings and all. Don't care. I write him and only him dirty letters not often but yes I do and no I'm not ashamed to say it. I was shy at first but he handled all of that. I just took some naughty pics for him snd lord I hope he can get them because I've never done that before and I wanted it to be special for him Fredrick's of Hollywood in all. So yeah we've done it but I've only done it for him. I can't tell a story afterwards I feel as sweet as a peach. Okay I've Said to much but try it no one really has to know but him you and the guy recording it. See everyone comes out a win win situation. :cuddle:


July 15, 2012 - 3:18am


sunray's wench

Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (19)

I know I said this before but c'monnn....don't be shy, I know there's more out there!!!:o And I know there's a few guys out there too!

It's got nothing to do with being shy and everything to do with maintaining respect for my marriage that there are some things I don't feel the need to go into detail with on a public forum all the time. I've commented on this on other threads, I don't feel the need to repeate myself.

And if you're doing this with "penpals" then don't be surprised if they "fall" for you. What you may see as harmless fun can take on a whole new meaning to a guy in prison, even if he says he's cool with it in the beginning.


July 15, 2012 - 3:57am


Silas Sydenham

Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (20)

I rarely have 'phonecalls with my penpals (too expensive), but some of the letters we have exchanged have been pretty hot. I guess gay guys usually have good imaginations.


July 15, 2012 - 4:34am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (21)

No phone sex cause we can't speak on the phone. But imaginative letters for sure.


July 15, 2012 - 5:40am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (22)

It's got nothing to do with being shy and everything to do with maintaining respect for my marriage that there are some things I don't feel the need to go into detail with on a public forum all the time. I've commented on this on other threads, I don't feel the need to repeate myself.

And if you're doing this with "penpals" then don't be surprised if they "fall" for you. What you may see as harmless fun can take on a whole new meaning to a guy in prison, even if he says he's cool with it in the beginning.

I totally agree with you. What goes on between my fiance and myself is no business of others. I mean, there are some things I might share on a public forum, and I have, but nothing that personal.


July 15, 2012 - 5:50am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (23)

I was going to say the same thing but you and SW were up earlier than me and beat me to it! I have made my feelings very clear on the matter of questioning women who are involved with prisoners (either MWIs or those of us whose boyfriends/husbands ended up being locked up at some point into our relationship) about their private lives. Would you walk down the street and ask a random couple you see what kind of sex they have and whether they have phone sex if either of them goes away on business? Why the voyeuristic fascination with what goes on between my man and me?

Tread carefully down this road with your inmate. He might see this as some indication that you are wanting a full-time, exclusive relationship with him. You could hurt him very deeply if he thinks he's being used by you to help you get off during periods of singledom between boyfriends. For that there is p*rn and there are people who charge for such services.

I totally agree with you. What goes on between my fiance and myself is no business of others. I mean, there are some things I might share on a public forum, and I have, but nothing that personal.


July 15, 2012 - 6:21am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (24)

we have had a lot of phone sex over the years, the guys named his coat the shag shack, because he used to put it over his head so he could hear good,they would tease him alot, if he was feeling lucky he would have it with him or run off mid call to get it if he got lucky. your still get the guys in the back ground shouting, " get your hands out of your pockets and back away from the phone". he would just shout and say your all just jealous cos i got a wife that actually answers the phone.
he is being on his best behaviour now, he is in the dog house has been for a while, so he dont mention sex at all, he might try do you remember when, and i will tell him to talk proper or i will hang up. im a ***** and will tell him something naughty at the minute mark or 10 second mark, and not answer the phone when he trys to call back umpteen times.
but i wouldnt do it with just any old penpal, thats just asking for trouble, what happens if you get a boyfriend on the outside?

i see some wont put personal stuff out there, im a very open person if someone ask me a question i answer it as honestly as possible, i dont think any of you know me from adam so i dont think it matters what anyone knows thinks says about me..


July 15, 2012 - 6:37am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (25)

I love this thread. On one hand i agree with, understand and respect the views of those that say they dont want to talk about it. On the other hand i feel the same with those that are fine to share it. For me with my ex yes we wrote dirty letters couldnt do the phone calls as he wasnt allowed to use the phone and then when they finally did allow it in the prison he is in (illinois) they stopped the possibility of international calls so yeah calls was a no go. When it comes to my pals its a no go because i dont want to encourage anything that isnt there. I'd like to think im very innocent but im sure many that know me will say that im far from it haha. But hey its my bubble and i like it!


July 15, 2012 - 7:11am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (26)

Met a girl a few years back, she was in the phone sex industry and mate she had me in stitches with her stories, her sample "chats" and what she would REALLY do while moaning and groaning to not only her customers but her incarcerated fiance..........even now i think back and laugh, she really did have the gift of the gab. :nod:

Freak i can just imagine that man under his "shag shack"..... :awe: .....Talk about treating him mean to keep him keen, teasing with a minute or less to go and then not picking up again, your a nasty pasty.....LOL.

As for my sex life, like Sunray i'll keep mum. :)


July 15, 2012 - 10:24am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (27)

I know I said this before but c'monnn....don't be shy, I know there's more out there!!!:o And I know there's a few guys out there too!

Not sure where you are going with this. Are you looking for examples/samples or are you just curious as to if people do this or not? You might find out the latter but I don't think people are going to share actual phone conversations or letters here. Nor should they. I think if you are [I]not[/I] in a relationship and you are doing this you are walking a thin line but you are the one that knows your pen pal the best. I'd just be careful that he isn't taking this as more interest than you are actually giving.


July 15, 2012 - 12:26pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (28)

Thanks to everyone that shared! And for all that weren't comfortable I understand that. Mount: Like I said at the beginning of the post, no I was not looking for or expecting anyone to share the actual conversations. I was just curious if anyone else shared this with their pp's or significant other behind bars.

It was just meant to be a fun thread so my apologies if to anyone who thought it otherwise. As for my guy, I love him to death and vice versa. And if we hadn't met under these circ*mstances I [B]totally[/B] would've wifed that one up because omg he's absolutley adorable!:yup:....but things being as they are we've both agreed it'd be best not to make any serious commitments and see what happens when he gets out. But he's like one of my best friends you know? We share everything!

But anyways thanks again to all that shared and my bad if anyone was offended...lol sometimes I think it's my generation, I'm 24 haha.


July 15, 2012 - 1:02pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (29)

lol sometimes I think it's my generation, I'm 24 haha.

Ohhh our generation, lol. We are the generation of twitter updates every minute, putting our lives on Facebook for everyone to see and non stop texting about useless things. So maybe we do overshare sometimes eh? :) haha


July 15, 2012 - 1:25pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (30)

no i dont think its your age group, you just had a nosey question and had the balls to ask it, if you scroll down your see it was asked before by older members of the forum.


July 15, 2012 - 1:40pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (31)

I think a lot of people are curious but just dont want to ask questions like that. Good for you for asking it.As you already know we dont get calls :( I think I can say it best through letters and pics :)


July 15, 2012 - 2:20pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (32)

Yeah pics are a [I]great[/I] way to get the point across!


July 15, 2012 - 2:57pm


sunray's wench

Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (33)

It's not your age. I wasn't offended, but when someone who has only been here for 5 minutes starts asking such personal things, you need to take a step back and wonder why.

But seriously, you wondered if any of the millions of wives, girlfriends (boyfriends, partners, husbands) or penpals had ever had that idea before you? There is nothing new under the sun.


July 15, 2012 - 3:06pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (34)

Mount: Like I said at the beginning of the post, no I was not looking for or expecting anyone to share the actual conversations.

When you asked "how that transpired" I guess I got the impression you were looking for details. Otherwise you could of just asked the question. Sorry if I mis-understood that.


July 15, 2012 - 3:28pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (35)

Only one of my pen pals has been sexual. In his last letter he asked I would talk dirty. I have no idea how to begin, LOL. He also asked if I could print off some sex stories offline for him. He said they were allowed but few people in there actually have people that would send them to them. My husband and I spent about 2 hours reading stories online trying to pick one that wasn't fake/lame/improbable like a couple of scientist. After we finally found one we did laundry, LOL

I did ask them if they were able to have "private time". It was interesting to hear their answers though.

I don't think sex and ones willingness to discuss it knows an age group. In my experience its older people who talk about it more than younger people. As one older gentleman told me, its those who aren't getting it that talk about it. After my husband was outed at work, several older ladies thought it would be acceptable to discuss their sex life, and that of their partners.

I don't think this is an inappropriate question to ask, but I have to say if you don't have anything to contribute why answer?


July 15, 2012 - 5:02pm


Aurora Borealis

Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (36)

I would def write xx letters if i eas in.a relationship with my pp. But with normal pps no, cause they are just friends. But I understand well how easily it can go dirty with pps if you are single,too, and find your pp atractive. I try my best to avoid that cause I dont wanna her them or me.
I'm laughing little bit here thinkin about phones*x with inmates. they standin there in middle of other guys listening to steamin stuff and not able to do anything but listen. Poor guys :D


July 15, 2012 - 5:04pm


Aurora Borealis

Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (37)

Sorry about typos. Writing from mobile. argh.


July 15, 2012 - 6:12pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (38)

When i was in a 'relationship' with my penpal we wrote dirty letters to each other , i enjoyed doing that for him and also dirty piks.. dont see anything wrong with it..


July 15, 2012 - 7:18pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (39)

I'm laughing little bit here thinkin about phones*x with inmates. they standin there in middle of other guys listening to steamin stuff and not able to do anything but listen. Poor guys :D

Hahahahahaha! That makes me laugh too, actually this whole thread just makes me giggle. None of my PP's have ever gotten sexual with me. I have noo idea what I would do in that situation. I'm so shy! It's one of those things I would probably want to do, but wouldn't. Except no phones! I Hate phones.


July 15, 2012 - 7:25pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (40)

they dont stand there not being able to do anything:-)) they just have to be willing to get teased by the other guys repeating everything that was said.


July 15, 2012 - 7:31pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (41)

Even better hahaha, so funny.


July 15, 2012 - 7:35pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (42)

He also asked if I could print off some sex stories offline for him. He said they were allowed but few people in there actually have people that would send them to them.

Just be aware another member here a few years back would send these in, her mate was selling them on the yard. Long story short she was fighting to have her visits and correspondence reinstated, having a meeting with the Warden if i remember correctly.


July 15, 2012 - 8:37pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (43)

Actually mine recently was transferred to a Max...he can call less but when he does call he gets the phone all to himself without anyone around:frolic:


July 15, 2012 - 8:41pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (44)

Omg I can't imagine my guy just....haha with all those other guys around, I guess it may become obvious what kind of talk it is...I would hate to embarrass him lol


July 15, 2012 - 8:57pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (45)

Omg I can't imagine my guy just....haha with all those other guys around, I guess it may become obvious what kind of talk it is...I would hate to embarrass him lol

Noo it's not embarrassing for them...they love it! At least most do....it gives them something to think about when they go in for the night:yup:haha. You should totally go for it girl if you think it's right for you!!!


July 15, 2012 - 9:17pm


Silas Sydenham

Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (46)

About ten years ago I wrote a steamy extended fantasy for a bisexual penpal, detailing his arrival in Australia, and what we would do on our first night together, on Bondi Beach, and in a motel room. Just a few weeks ago he wrote me to ask for a copy - he knows I keep copies of all our correspondence - he's been released, and wanted to share the story with his wife!


July 15, 2012 - 10:24pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (47)

Omg I can't imagine my guy just....haha with all those other guys around, I guess it may become obvious what kind of talk it is...I would hate to embarrass him lol

I was told this is "one" of the main reasons the guys use cell phones.....not to call their shot callers or dealers but to connect with their girl or girls, believe it or not.


July 15, 2012 - 10:37pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (48)

Noo it's not embarrassing for them...they love it! At least most do....it gives them something to think about when they go in for the night:yup:haha. You should totally go for it girl if you think it's right for you!!!

Idk if I'm ready. It's easy for me to do it with people I don't like in a romantic way, I'm way more shy with people I do like. My guy is also in max so he gets one 15 minute call a week and I'm pending approval. I need more than 15 minutes haha


July 15, 2012 - 10:54pm



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (49)

If Mark had a cell I think his whole prude bit would go out the window lol. Trust me he's really not a PRUDE but he's....a gentleman he says. It's nobody's business. He doesn't say sh*t so I tell you all everything lol. The goody grabs were all me - he just gave in. If I didn't bring it up he NEVER would but since I was game he went for it. It's the same on phone, letters, etc. I'M the bad girl lol.


July 16, 2012 - 7:48am


the blue star

Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (50)

Lol guys, I am glad to see someone with the guts to ask the question and congrats to those who have answered. At the end of every letter my PP will write something suggestive, and I follow on with the next mail. It is only a few lines and just a collaboration of thoughts really. Goodness knows that his day is long enough and lonely enough that a few sexy words reminds him that he is a man. I think the problem comes if you both take it too far and start to believe in the words you have written. I am very fond of one of my PP and he tells me that he loves me loads, so I guess that things are progressing. I don't write like that to my other PP thou, I am definitely not his cup of tea, and he has a lady in his life to do that for him. Please let me know what you think? Nette



July 16, 2012 - 9:27am



Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (51)

Lol guys, I am glad to see someone with the guts to ask the question and congrats to those who have answered. At the end of every letter my PP will write something suggestive, and I follow on with the next mail. It is only a few lines and just a collaboration of thoughts really. Goodness knows that his day is long enough and lonely enough that a few sexy words reminds him that he is a man. I think the problem comes if you both take it too far and start to believe in the words you have written. I am very fond of one of my PP and he tells me that he loves me loads, so I guess that things are progressing. I don't write like that to my other PP thou, I am definitely not his cup of tea, and he has a lady in his life to do that for him. Please let me know what you think? Nette


@Nette: I'm so glad you answered, thanks so much for the honesty!! I'm the same exact way with mine! It started with the letters then one day it just progressed over the phone. That's exactly how I see it too....he has spent enough time around all men and I know how long the days are in there so I'm glad I can do something to take his mind off it and release some of that tension. I see nothing wrong with it at all...it's fun for us both and I'm not really like that with anyone else you know? We've been writing/talking for about 2 years now and I love him mucho and he tells me the same. Actually I hope to be there the day he gets out but for both of us only time will tell:-)


Dirty Letters and Phone S3x! (2024)


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