How to Become a Freelancer in Germany - 2024 Guide (2024)

In this article

Most people will need a visa to freelance in Germany.

Freelancing has become a popular employment method, especially among young professionals, because it gives them the opportunity to have more control over their life and their work.

The German government has updated laws and regulations to cater to the ever-increasing freelance workers in the country. Expats can also freelance in Germany, but they will have to go through quite a lengthy process.

How to Become a Freelancer in Germany - 2024 Guide (1)

Who Can Freelance in Germany?

Anyone who manages to find work and get a visa can freelance in Germany. You are considered a freelancer if you do not work for an employer, have a so-called “liberal profession”, pay your own tax, and your work fulfils the following conditions:

  • There is an economic interest in Germany for your profession.
  • Your work or profession will have a positive impact on the German economy.

However, even though technically, anyone can get a freelancing visa and residence permit, it is much easier for citizens of certain countries which have agreements with Germany, such as the US., Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea. Citizens from these countries can simply enter Germany, find a place to live, register their business, and get a residence permit even without applying for a visa.

Citizens from EU countries can become a freelancer in Germany. They don’t need to apply for a visa or residence permit at all, although they do have to register their business and residence, just like everyone else.

Freelance Jobs in Germany

You are considered a freelancer in Germany if you work in one of the “liberal professions”, such as:

  • Doctor.
  • Dentist.
  • Veterinarian.
  • Lawyer.
  • Notary.
  • Patent attorney.
  • Surveyor.
  • Engineer.
  • Architect.
  • Commercial chemist.
  • Auditor.
  • Tax consultant.
  • Advisory person.
  • Business economist.
  • Sworn accountant.
  • Tax agent.
  • Naturopath.
  • Dentist.
  • Physiotherapist.
  • Journalist.
  • Photo reporter.
  • Interpreter.
  • Translator.
  • Pilot.

The professions are regulated by the German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. According to Section 18 of the Ministry’s Income Tax Act, you are considered a freelancer if you conduct “independent scientific, artistic, literary, teaching or educational activity”, which means it is not limited only to the above-mentioned professions.

How to Become a Freelancer in Germany?

The process of becoming a freelancer in Germany is quite long and tasking, which can be intimidating and even off-putting for some people. However, it can be surmised in the following steps:

  1. Travel to Germany.
  2. Find prospective clients.
  3. Open a bank account.
  4. Get health insurance.
  5. Register your living address at the Bürgeramt.
  6. Register your freelance activity at the Tax Office (Finanzamt).
  7. Get your freelancer residence permit at the Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde).

Step 1. Travel to Germany

The first step in your journey is getting a visa at the nearest German Embassy. You need the visa so you can travel to Germany, get everything settled, and apply for a residence permit for freelancing. The type of visa you have to apply for is a Long-Stay Visa for freelancing purposes.

Also remember that a visa itself is not the only permission you need to start working, because it is only valid for a few months. Once you are in Germany, you will have to go through another few rounds of appointments, applications, and interviews before you are allowed to live and work there legally.

Please note: You cannot enter Germany with a Schengen Visa and apply for a Freelancing Residence Permit. You must have a long-stay visa, also referred to as a D-Visa or National Visa.

Step 2. Find Prospective Clients

Next, you need to show the German immigration authorities that there are people willing to work with you once you have the visa. If you have prospective clients, they have to write “Letters of Intent” declaring their intention to hire you for your services. This is not the same as a work contract.

There must be at least two prospective clients.

Step 3. Open a Bank Account

You need a German bank account to make your freelance journey in Germany as streamlined as possible. After all, as a freelancer, you need a bank account to receive payment from your clients. You can open a bank account with most German-registered banks. However, since you are a freelancer, you should consider setting up your account with a bank that is designed specifically for freelancers and self-employed individuals in Germany.

Step 4. Get Health Insurance

Everyone who lives in Germany, or even just visits as a tourist, has to get health insurance. As a freelancer, you can choose to get public or private health insurance. However, even though in most cases, public insurance is the most desirable among expats, public insurers may refuse to enroll you until you have received a residence permit. So for the initial period of your stay – while you are getting everything settled with your visa – you might have to get a private health insurance plan.

You can also get expat health insurance before applying for the Freelancer Visa at the German Embassy. This type of plan will cover you during your trip to Germany as well as for those few months before you are fully settled and working.

See a more detailed explanation of health insurance for freelancers in Germany lower in the article.

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Step 5. Register Your Living Address

To get authorization to work as a freelancer, you must have a registered living address in Germany. So, as soon as you find long-term accommodation, simply gather the following documents and submit them at the local Resident’s Registration Office (Bürgeramt):

  • Your passport.
  • The Address Registration Form. You can get this in-person at the Bürgeramt or download it online.
  • Your rent agreement.
  • Confirmation of residency from your landlord. It has to contain the apartment’s address, your landlord’s name and address as well as your move-in date.
  • Any necessary status documents, such as birth or marriage certificates.

You will usually get your Certificate of Residence Registration (Meldebescheinigung) within the same day, but you have to wait a few weeks until you receive your Tax ID Number. You need this number so you can register your freelance activity with the Tax Office, so you should get started as soon as possible.

Step 6. Register Your Freelance Business at the Tax Office

Once you have your Tax ID Number and Residence Registration, you must visit the local Tax Office (Finanzamt) and register your freelance activity. You will have to complete the “Questionnaire for Tax Collection” (Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung), either online or by requesting it from the Finanzamt. Through this process, you will get a freelance tax number (Steuernummer), which you use to pay your taxes and contribute to the German economy.

You will have to submit the following documents, and any others if requested:

  • The Tax ID Number you received when registering your address.
  • Your bank details.
  • A description of your freelance activity.

The process for receiving the freelance tax number can take a few weeks.

Step 7. Get Your Residence Permit for Freelancing

Once you have all the relevant documents and registrations in order, you can apply for a residence permit for freelancing at the German Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde). The residence permit is the document that will allow you to live and work in Germany long-term. It is usually issued for one to two years, and it can be renewed indefinitely, as long as you still fulfil the conditions.

The process of getting the residence permit can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. You are not allowed to work until you have the permit.

See a more detailed explanation of how to apply for a Freelancer Visa and Residence Permit for Germany.

Freelancer vs. Self-Employed in Germany

Although they seem similar, according to German law, there is a difference between freelance and self-employed activity. In a nutshell, you are a freelancer if you offer a service and charge a fee for each client, whereas you are considered self-employed if you are a company or business owner. Freelancers usually do not have employees whereas self-employed business owners might. Freelancers usually work under their own name, while self-employed individuals can work under their company name.

According to the State of Berlin Service Portal, the difference between being a freelancer and self-employed is:

  • Freelancer: Includes occupations under Article 18 of the Income Tax Act, such as artists, writers, language teachers and self-employed doctors, engineers, auditors, interpreters or architects.
  • Self-employed: Includes the company founder, sole proprietor, or managing director/legal representative of a partnership or corporation.

Ultimately, it is up to the Tax Office to decide exactly which category you fit in when you go to register your activity and get the Steuernummer (tax number).

Understanding Health Insurance for Freelancers in Germany

All German citizens and residents are required by law to have health insurance coverage. But before you can start looking for an adequate plan, you should know how health insurance for freelancers in Germany works.

There are two types of health insurance options for workers in Germany: public health insurance, which is obligatory for the majority of the population, and private health insurance. As a freelance or self-employed worker, you have the option to actually choose whether you want to be insured publicly or privately. Most people do not have a choice.

The reason freelancers can choose which type of insurance they want is that public insurance is funded by monthly contributions, which is about 14% of your income. Usually, half the contributions are paid for by the employer and the other half by the employee. As a freelancer, you would be paying the whole 14% yourself. The maximum amount you are facing is about €400/month, and many freelancers consider it to be too high.

The other option is private insurance; only freelancers and high-income individuals are allowed to opt-out of public insurance and get a private plan instead. Private insurance plans are desirable for freelancers because they can often be much cheaper than paying the entire contributions for the public scheme themselves, especially if you are young and healthy.

Understanding Taxes for Freelancers in Germany

There are two types of tax you have to pay as a freelancer:

  • Income Tax.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT).

Income Tax

You have to pay your income tax after you declare your income to the Tax Office (Finanzamt). The tax year in Germany runs from January 1 to December 31. At the end of the year, you declare your income and then you have to pay your income tax by July 31 of the following year.

This means that you have to calculate your estimated tax return and save up every month, so you can pay it at the end of the year. If you have paid more or less than required, you’ll be reimbursed or asked to pay additionally, depending on the situation,

Your income is not only what you receive from your freelance work, but all income even from rent, investments, etc. The income tax rate is from 14% to 42% and there is a 5.5% solidarity surcharge on top of that.

If you earn less than €9,744, you are exempt from paying income tax. Additionally, you only pay tax after you have deducted any business expenses.

Value Added Tax (VAT)

Most businesses have to charge VAT (Umsatzsteuer) on goods and services then turn it over to the Finanzamt. The VAT rate in Germany is from 7% to 19%, and you must include it on your invoice. You have to return your VAT turnover to the Finanzamt through the ELSTER tax portal.

However, if you earn less than €22,000/year you can be registered as a small business (Kleinunternehmer) and are exempt from charging VAT to your clients.

Registering with the tax office can be quite daunting and complex, especially for freelancers who have no experience with the German tax system. That’s why it is advisable to consult with tax professionals, such asSorted, to assist you on these matters. They can assist you in preparing all the necessary tax reports, issuing invoices and submitting them to the tax office.

Why submit your taxes through certified tax professionals?

  • Sorted is a leading Germany-based company with a strong backing of serious investors and partners.
  • They cover the entire tax needs for the vast majority of the freelancers and self-employed professionals in Germany.
  • Sorted supports you if you have domestic or international clients.
  • You will be paired with a certified tax agency in Germany, whom you can consult for any questions or concerns.
  • Sorted helps you register as a freelancer, obtain a tax number, do your bookkeeping, and submit tax reports.
  • You can submit your tax reports electronically to the Finanzamt through Sorted. Sorted is connected directly to Finanzamt through their official software provider, ELSTER.
  • You submit the tax reports yourself, but Sorted arranges everything for you. All you have to do is check if everything is alright and click “Submit”.

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How to Become a Freelancer in Germany - 2024 Guide (2024)


How to Become a Freelancer in Germany - 2024 Guide? ›

To register as a freelancer in Germany, you need to fill in a “Fragenbogen zur steuerliche Erfassung” (Questionnaire for Taxation) and submit it to your local tax office. You can either download, fill out the form and submit a physical copy, or complete it online via ELSTER. You must complete the form in German.

How can I become a freelancer in Germany? ›

To register as a freelancer in Germany, you need to fill in a “Fragenbogen zur steuerliche Erfassung” (Questionnaire for Taxation) and submit it to your local tax office. You can either download, fill out the form and submit a physical copy, or complete it online via ELSTER. You must complete the form in German.

Can I move to Germany as a freelancer? ›

The freelancer visa for Germany is a residence permit that allows non-EU citizens to live and work in Germany as freelancers. To qualify for the freelancer visa, you must meet the following requirements: You must have a valid passport. You must have a valid health insurance policy.

How hard is it to get a freelance visa in Germany? ›

Freelance visa requirements

If you don't plan to have clients or employees in Germany, you might not get a freelance visa. You must make enough money to support yourself. In Berlin, your income must be higher than your rent + your health insurance + 563€ per month before taxes.

Is it worth it to work as a freelancer in Germany? ›

Dunja Reiber. Most freelancers are at first individual entrepreneurs when they start out on their own in Germany – either as Freiberufler or tradespeople. For them, this means an easy and risk-free start as well as other advantages. If they generate high revenues, however, the top tax rate is quickly applied to them.

How long does it take to register as a freelancer in Germany? ›

Register as a freelancer to get your tax number

Your first step is to apply for your tax number so that you can invoice your customers correctly. Once you have submitted the registration form, it usually take 3-6 weeks for the Finanzamt to send your new tax number via post.

Do freelancers pay taxes in Germany? ›

If your annual earnings from self-employment in Germany are more than the tax-free allowance (as of 2024: €11,604), you'll need to pay income tax (Einkommensteuer) — no matter whether you're a freelancer or run a company. Like with any income tax, the amount you'll need to pay depends on the size of your income.

Do I need to register as a freelancer in Germany? ›

You must register as a freelancer with the tax office no later than four weeks after you start working. The responsible tax office is the one at your place of business, in most cases probably at your place of residence. You can inform them in an informal letter that you are taking up freelance work.

How many hours can a freelancer work in Germany? ›

As a freelancer you can decide when and where to work; there are no specific working conditions and rules; there are no working hours to be calculated; less taxes to be paid, higher chance to work in different jobs/projects meantime; no need to attend the office or have regular meeting with the employer/buyer of the ...

What is the difference between self-employed and freelancer in Germany? ›

The difference can be confusing. If you're self-employed, that means that you technically own your own business. But it's only freelance work if you do it on behalf of another company or organization, not, for example, an independent plumber working for private homeowners.

What is considered freelancing in Germany? ›

Self-Employment vs.

Before embarking on your freelancing journey, it's crucial to understand the distinction between self-employment and freelancing. In Germany, freelancers are considered individuals who provide services in areas like IT, design, writing, and consulting.

Do freelancers pay VAT in Germany? ›

VAT in Germany for Self-Employed People and Freelancers

In addition to income tax, freelancers in Germany also have to pay value-added tax (VAT), known as Umsatzsteuer in German. Everyone who offers goods and services must charge VAT to their clients and then transfer this sum to the Finanzamt, including freelancers.

What are the benefits of freelancers in Germany? ›

One good option for freelancers and self-employed in Germany is the Rürup pension, which is a state-subsidized private pension with contributions that will be 100% tax deductible by 2025. Standard state pension contributions are 18.6%, however Freiberufler can choose to pay more – or can sometimes pay a lower rate.

Where do I register as a freelancer in Germany? ›

Registering as a Freelancer in Berlin

You need to fill in the Fragebogen zur Steuerliche Erfassung (tax registration form) and post it to your local Finanzamt. You can also show up if you fancy waiting around an office but it's not necessary.


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