New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (2024)


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AkaliBuild Guide by harris tegas

Updated on June 21, 2021







New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (1)Build Guide By harris tegas


New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (2)

245 30New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (3) 333,469 ViewsNew Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (4) 6 Comments

245 30New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (5) 333,469 ViewsNew Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (6) 6 CommentsNew Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (7)Akali Build Guide By harris tegas Updated on June 21, 2021


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Runes: normal Runes



New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (17)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (18)


New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (19)

Taste of Blood

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (20)

Ghost Poro

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (21)

Ravenous Hunter


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New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (23)

Coup de Grace

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (24)

Presence of Mind

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (25)New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (26)New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (27)


+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health



Τypical one for kills

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (28)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (29)


New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (30)



The Full Oneshoot Multikill BUILD (electrocute)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (31)

First Item

Doran's RingHealth Potion2

Full Build

Night HarvesterSorcerer's ShoesMorellonomiconLich BaneZhonya's HourglassRabadon's Deathcap

The 50 50 difficult (Fleet Footwork)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (40)

First Item

Doran's RingHealth Potion2

Full Build

RiftmakerSorcerer's ShoesDemonic EmbraceRabadon's DeathcapZhonya's HourglassBanshee's Veil

With Conqueror Life Steal

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (49)

First Item

Doran's RingHealth Potion2


Mercury's TreadsPlated SteelcapsSorcerer's Shoes

Full Build

RiftmakerRavenous HydraDemonic EmbraceVoid StaffCosmic DriveZhonya's Hourglass


New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (61)

First Item

Doran's BladeHealth Potion

Full Build

Sunfire AegisSorcerer's ShoesDemonic EmbraceZhonya's HourglassCosmic DriveRabadon's Deathcap

AD One-Shot Assasin (electrocute)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (70)

First item

Doran's RingHealth Potion2

Full Build

Duskblade of DraktharrPlated SteelcapsUmbral GlaiveThe CollectorRavenous HydraSanguine Blade

Ability Order

Assassin's Mark (PASSIVE)

Akali Passive Ability

Five Point Strike (Q)


Twilight Shroud (W)


Shuriken Flip (E)


Perfect Execution (R)


Threats & Synergies

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (84)ThreatsNew Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (85)Synergies


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New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (87)Extreme ThreatsNew Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (88)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (89)Ideal SynergiesNew Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (90)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (91)


Ιf he is good he can destroy you. he is super counter . when you do W , he can do his W and he will hit you. When you go fo dive he will do his E and then his W and he will stun you !

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (92)New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (93)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (94)


she helps you because when you dive with your ultimate she will heals you and you are not gone die

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (95)New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (96)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (97)Synergies


New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (98)


she helps you because when you dive with your ultimate she will heals you and you are not gone die

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (99)New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (100)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (101)New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (102)

Akali counters well

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (103)

3.6 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (104)

4.2 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (105)

4.4 CR

Akali gets countered

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (106)

6.4 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (107)

6.2 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (108)

6.2 CR

More Akali Counters

Champion Build Guide

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11]

By harris tegas

Akali Banner

Table of Contents

Guide Details

x Intro
x Closing
x Changelog


x Pros / Cons
x Abilities
x Tips & Tricks


x Runes
x Team Comp


x Items
x Gameplay
x Strategy

Guide Details

x Akali is an assasin champ that at season 11 she is op with the new items and the buffs. it'a a difficult champ that you must play a lot to learn all the mechanics and the combos. just follow the guide i showed you and the threats so you will play better and better.
x If you want to play like a pro the videos that are below will help you a lot. If you are new at akali you must see a video with the basics ata akali then the combos and then you must see and play games with her. In my opinion, you must follow this steps because i did them expactly with this way and it worked. But if you aren't so good with her i suggest you to see some of Proffessor's Akali videos who is the best akali player.
x As you might know akali has been reworked before 1 year she had another W and ulty . Now akali is very good champ that even players at lol esports (LCS , World Champions , LCK , LEC...). she is too powerfoul and she can help a lot.




+ she deals a lot of damage
+ you can dive under tower and escape easily
+ you can dodge easily with the abilities
+ if you do the combo to someone (no tank) you can kill him
+ she can farm easily
+ you can roam at other ganks easily
Akali is a difficult champ that if you play, after you learned the combos, you will feel that you are amazing when you will kill someone. You can farm easily with (Q). You can dodge abilities or dive with . you must buy full ap if you want to one shot them (and that will be very funny)and you can roam with and then with


- difficult
- if there is a tank that is fed you can't kill him easily 1 vs 1
- weak early game
- squishy
- no crowd control
- has many hard counters
On the other hand, Akali has negatives. She isn't tank so she is squishy and enemies can deal a lot of damage to her and at early game you are weak because akali is late game champ because she needs to buy items to oneshoot or to have lifesteal (except of each build you will go). At early game if you miss any ability you will not kill him because you will not deal so much damage. Furthermore akali has a lot of counters. The most of the are tanks (like swain , galio). you must get the difference there with help from jgl because the enemie will be tank and you will not deal much damage. Lastly, she doesn't have any combo with any champ because she doesn't have abilities for crowd control.


Her passive creates a circle around the enemy for 5 seconds , giving her bonus movement speed while moving towards the edge of the circle. When she went out of the circle she gains bonus movement speed and deal +40% of ability power.

Her Q throws 5 knives dealing much damage. If you hit enemies at maximum range they are slowed by 50% for over 1 second.

Her W throws a smoke grenade that creates a ring with smoke. Akali becomes invisible but if you hit the enemy when when you are invisible, the enemie will see you, she gains a bonus movement speed and she restores 80 energy.

Her E throws a shuriken forward and she flips backward. If you snipe your E you can press again E and go on the enemy dealing damage.

Her R dashes at the targeted enemy dealing a litte damage . After 3 seconds you can dash at the targeted enemy dealing much damage considering enemy's hp.

x The combos are difficult but watching the videos i have below you will learn them:
Near Fight: Q ---> aa ---> R1 ---> E1 ---> E2 ---> W ---> Q ---> (aa) ---> R2
Dive: R1 ---> E1 ---> E2 ---> Q ---> W ---> (aa) ---> R2
Very quickly dive(3 sec): W ---> E1(at your W) ---> R1 ---> Q ---> (R2) ---> E2
If he wants to come to you: E1 ---> E2 ---> R1 ---> W ---> Q ---> (aa) ---> R2



With this rune Akali can stack at the enemies and give you lifesteal and that will help you at fights

This is a rune that belongs to the conqueror. This helps you have more energy regeneration. That equals + one Q that you will need it for team fights.

When you are over half hp this rune gives you more damage.

This rune gives you more heal according to your level.

This rune gives you 1% omnivamp, up to 11% at 5 stacks

The Full Oneshot

The 50 50 difficult game *ZERO COUNTER*

Conqueror Life Steal

Korean Akali video TANK


Mechanics for AKALI

If you want to learn akali you must first learn the mechanics and the combos. So when you learn all of them in practise custom, you will try them at normal game with the runes you need from my guide and if you liked it and play very good you can go ranked. Here are the mechanics that you need :

AKALI The Movie Build

If you aren't bored you can also see this video that will help you more with all hte builds

The Ultimate Season 11 Akali Guide MOVIE

This video is 3 hours but i promise you that if you saw this video you will learn a lot for akali. I know that you will bored but if you aren't go watch it if you play akali.


I am glad to help you with runes, pls sub to my channel ''Harrisblox'' This build is from Proffessor Akali who is the best akali in the world so you can trust me for this guide.

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (152)

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (154)New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (155)

Akali counters well

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (156)

3.6 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (157)

4.2 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (158)

4.4 CR

Akali gets countered

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (159)

6.4 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (160)

6.2 CR

New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (161)

6.2 CR

More Akali Counters

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harris tegasAkali Guide

Follow New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (163)


New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11]

Akali Banner

Table of Contents

The Full Oneshot

The 50 50 difficult game *ZERO COUNTER*

Conqueror Life Steal

Korean Akali video TANK


Mechanics for AKALI

AKALI The Movie Build

The Ultimate Season 11 Akali Guide MOVIE


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New Best Akali Guide from Proffessor Akali [season 11] (2024)


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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.