Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes Recipe (2024)


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  1. we love your regular vegan pancake so I am sure this rocks too!
    will give it a try sometime! thanks!!


    • Thanks, Maureen! šŸ™‚ I hope you like these as much as the originals.


    • First let me say I didnā€™t have flax to make a flax egg so I used a gelatin egg. The first time I made them I didnā€™t get the ā€œeggā€ mixed in enough. The second time I made them I used my electric mixer for a minute and that made all the difference.

      I canā€™t have gluten, dairy or eggs and I have easily tried about ten different pancake recipes. This recipe makes pancakes that actually taste like real pancakes and is delicious!


  2. Yay! As a Celiac, I love this recipe! Thank you :0)! Of course, the ultimate version of this recipe would have mini dark chocolate chips and a touch of spices mixed right into the batter & be topped with fruit, walnuts & unsweetened coconut whipped cream (I like to let the coconut creaminess just speak for itself) ā€“ yum!


    • *just want to specify that I meant that would ultimate to me but not actually better than how someone else would stylize those yummy pancakes! &by fruit, I was thinking a combo of fresh berries :0). I hope other viewers will say how they would most love to stylize your pancakes! Andrew, what is your favorite way to flavor/top pancakes?


    • Thanks, Abbi! No, I totally got what you were saying. I just make the plain version so that readers can copy the basic recipe and then add their favorite mix-ins or toppings.

      For me? I love making pancakes with cocoa powder and/or chocolate chipsā€¦ maybe topped with some peanut butter and a hint of maple syrup (my chocolate peanut butter addiction has been well documented on this blog, haha).


  3. Hi Andrew,

    I am so intrigued by your website. It just may be an answer to prayer. I was looking over your gluten free pancake recipe and I had a question. How would the ingredients in the gluten free flour blend affect someone who might be diabetic. Also, will the various beans in the flour give a ā€œbean ā€ like flavor to what youā€™re making ? That was my experience using soy flour, once. Thanks , KEVIN


    • Hey Kevin! Thanks so much. I really donā€™t feel qualified to say how the flour might affect diabetes or blood sugar, though itā€™s likely better than regular white flour. In terms of the taste, I was worried about the same thing and no ā€“ the flour is actually quite mild and sweet. I really liked it!


    • Dear Kevin,

      Although I am not a licensed dietitian, I have been diabetic for many years. Recently, I have over hauled my entire lifestyle with food.
      There is basically a major rule to follow: What is the TOTAL carb count? Carbs are a funny thing. For me, since I am insulin resistant, I do not do well with corn (including anything corn), potatoes, and carrots. I can eat rice all day long and it will not affect my sugar very much.
      Remember, the best advice is from your doctor and your dietitian. Good luck!


  4. Hi Andrew,
    I was very excited by your pancake receipe, because on the one hand, I never tasted real pancakes, and on the other hand, your receipe is gluten and dairy free šŸ™‚
    So, just after receiving my cup and spoon set (definitely necessary), I made it : I love the texture, itā€™s like a soft bread.
    Do you think coconut oil could be substituted by hazelnut ou almond puree?
    Thank you!


    • Hi Claire! Iā€™m so happy you enjoyed them! šŸ™‚ Hmm, I think the addition of nuts would be really nice in these pancakes, but I would be concerned about pureeing them ā€“ they might not cook evenly with the rest of the batter and create a more gooey & rubbery textureā€¦ but I havenā€™t tried that myself so donā€™t take my word for it!


  5. Just found your site and have already saved it as a FAVORITE!! OMGā€¦ these pancakes are amazing. I made one subā€¦ I couldnā€™t get my jar of coconut oil to open so I used one heaping tablespoon of applesauce and added a sprinkle of cinnamonā€¦ mmmmmmm!! Will definitely make again and again and againā€¦ THANK YOU!!


    • Aw, thanks Susan! Iā€™m so glad you enjoyed them! šŸ˜€


  6. Dear Andrew,

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! What an excellent pancake recipe! Yummy! For me, I used coconut milk and a small amount of almond milk to thin out the pancakes. Just my preference. However, what an excellent taste!
    Iā€™ve recently went gluten-free. Also, as a nanny, I cook meals for a child with celiac disease. So, basically, I eat the same way she eats! Some things I try have NO flavor what so ever. However, this is a great diabetic friendly, celiac friendly and gluten-free friendly pancake! I wish I could give you a hug.


    • Aw, thank you so much! Iā€™m so glad to hear that it worked well for you. *hug* šŸ˜€


  7. I subbed 1 tbsp mashed banana for the oil and they still came out DELICIOUS! I also added banana slices on top of each pancake once poured into the pan. Great recipe!!!


    • Oh, thatā€™s great to hear, Amanda! Iā€™m happy that banana works as a sub for the oil. I hadnā€™t tried that yet. So glad you liked them! šŸ™‚


  8. Help! I made these last night and they were undercooked. Very moist in the middle. I cooked longer , but no matter how long they did not cook! I did several adjustments each time with the heat, with the batter . Anybody has an explanation? This is very frustrating because I had to toss them and I hate to waste food.


    • Iā€™m so sorry to hear that Miri. Itā€™s interesting you say this because moist/gummy middles are typically a problem with the *gluten* being overdeveloped. I canā€™t imagine why that would happen with GF pancakes unless the batter was too thin or thick, perhaps. You want the batter to be a consistency that spreads just a little when it hits the pan and you want the heat to be up fairly high. I usually test one pancake first and if it doesnā€™t come out right Iā€™ll adjust the thickness of the batter and/or the heat. Again, so sorry and I hope you have better luck in the future!


      • Hi Andrew,

        So happy I found your site! I was actually skimming to comments to find more info on this issue. Iā€™m on my third GF Vegan Pancake recipe (yours) and yours is by far the closest Iā€™ve gotten so far, however Iā€™m still having some issues with the ā€œgumminessā€ on the inside (as opposed to drier fluffiness). Iā€™m wondering, how do you measure your flour? I was taught the ā€œdip and scoopā€ method, to avoid it packing down in the cup, but I did have to add a few extra tablespoons at the end as the batter seemed a little thin.

        I also tested my baking powder which did fizz a little in water, as I thought that might be the issue. Would greatly appreciate any thoughts or insight you might have. Thank you!


  9. Iā€™ve been cooking gluten-free and vegan for a few years now and Iā€™ve been in search for the perfect pancake recipe ā€“ and I think this is it! These pancakes were delicious and came out at just the right consistency, not gummy but still moist and slightly stretchy as if they contained gluten. I also appreciate your thorough instructions. Iā€™m definitely adding this to my list of favorite recipes!


    • Very cool, Annalise! šŸ™‚ Iā€™m so happy to hear that they worked well for you. Thanks for taking the time to report back!


  10. I am eating this right this very minute and it is SOOOOO yummy!!! Craving satisfied! Thank you so much for this easy recipe!


    • Cool! Youā€™re very welcome, Mel. Iā€™m glad you like it šŸ˜€


  11. Hi Andrew, I was wondering if you could explain the difference between pancake batter and waffle batter. Could this GF recipe be adapted to make waffles? I made GF waffles this morning for my daughter but we both agreed they werenā€™t light enough. Tasty for sure, but weā€™re thinking the 1/4 of oil ā€“ and olive oil at that ā€“ was what made them seem like hockey pucks.


      • Thanks Andrew, so you know Iā€™m not trying to troll your blog Iā€™ll try to take the advice there and adapt them to good GF waffles. Iā€™m an engineer, not a chef so I wonā€™t make any promises šŸ™‚

        I see you edited my attempt at a hyperlink. For those who are interested and may want to fix the recipe that didnā€™t work the site was and search for 7 ingredient waffles. Like I said it tasted good, if not too oily, but needed some TLC to make it perfect. Maybe some other reader of this blog can improve on it.


  12. Love ā€™em! My husband and I are vegan and he is sensitive to gluten. We were SO excited when we made these! Now they are a staple in our house.


  13. As always, LOVED these! Before going vegan, or gluten-free for that matter, I had never made pancakes (okay, I really had never cooked), but in two years vegan Iā€™ve been afraid of pancakesā€¦ I remember always hating them growing upā€¦ Iā€™m a waffle kind of girl. Well, you may have just changed that! These were simple and delicious. Another vegan toddler approved recipe! I have never had anything from your site that wasnā€™t just awesome. Thanks for thinking of us gluten free people when you developed these delicious pancakes! I had to sub out a few things, but it all worked well. Will definitely try adding some fun mix-ins once I conquer these ha!


    • Thank you, Molly! Iā€™m so glad these turned out well for you and I really appreciate the nice comments! šŸ™‚


  14. I never had success with flaxseed egg replacement. The middle of the pancakes came out all sticky and gooey. It did not change no matter how long you cooked them. You could barely even burn them. However, I was wondering if maybe that was a sign that the ground flaxseed was too old or maybe egg replacement in an pre-made gluten-free mix is a no-no. No idea. Any advice?


    • Interesting, usually gummy centers are a problem with the gluten being overdeveloped (definitely not the case here!). The other two causes could be: 1) the cooking *temperature*. If you donā€™t hear a distinct sizzle when the first pancake hits the pan, the heat is too low, they wonā€™t rise, and the centers will be gummy no matter how long they cook for. 2) The proportions. If something went haywire and the batter is too wet/dry, this could also cause problems. Hope that helps!


      • Thanks!


    • I know what you mean. I think the combo of too much flax with too much liquid causes gummy middles. But the amount in these pancakes seemed to be just fine for me.


  15. Iā€™m over the moon having found this recipe, thank you thank you thank you ā€“ I only discovered it last month, but Iā€™ve been making pancakes using this recipe at least two times a week!! My hubby loves them (even though heā€™s not vegan and doesnā€™t need to eat GF) and heā€™s really excited each time weā€™re having pancakes for breakfast šŸ™‚ The recipe is sooooo easy to make that I often make them before I go to work and enjoy them for breakfast šŸ™‚ God bless you and keep sharing wonderful recipes like this one šŸ™‚


    • Thatā€™s awesome, Roxana! Iā€™m glad youā€™ve enjoyed this recipe so much, and thanks for reporting back to let me know šŸ™‚


  16. This is the BEST Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes Iā€™ve EVER had. . .and they donā€™t taste like gluten free AND there is NO SUGAR?! YES! SO much yes!

    The second time (and from now on) I decided to make them differently.
    MODIFACTIONS: I did half almond flour (for protein) and half gluten free flour (Redā€™s) and then I added 3 tablespoons of Hemp Seeds (for protein) & 1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds ā€“ These modifications still let the pancakes be fluffy and taste amazing! When theyā€™re done, I will LIGHTLY drizzle honey between pancakes. YUM!

    The first time Istuck to the recipe completely Idid add a banana, chocolate chips and coconut flakesā€¦but I would wait to put these ingredients until after I poured the batter into the pan. This way, each pancake was uniquely flavored with whatever I decided to put in it. šŸ˜€


    • Yay! Iā€™m so happy you like them, Cynthia. Your substitutions sound like some epic protein pancakes. Iā€™ll have to try your version sometime soon. Thanks for the comment! šŸ™‚


  17. Update: left out the sweet bits and turned the batter into the best GF pizza base Iā€™ve had since eating GF -thank you again!!


    • Haha thatā€™s so cool! Iā€™m glad it works as a pizza dough as well šŸ™‚


  18. I had some Bobā€™s gluten free flour to use up, so I found this recipe and gave it a try. My 8 year old is very picky about her pancakes. They have to be nice and fluffy, not dense or gummy at all. She claimed that these were the best pancakes she ever tasted! So definitely a win around here! I donā€™t usually keep this flour on hand, but I will definitely be using the rest of it to make these pancakes! Usually I use a combo of whole wheat pastry flour and chickpea flour, which she really likes, but it was nice not having to worry about over stirring this gluten free batter!

  19. These have a wonderful texture! We use a real egg instead of flax egg here and also added a bit of agave nectar to the batter. They are the new go to weekend pancake recipe for the past month! Thanks so much ā€“ the ratios are perfect! Weā€™ve had them with s few different spice/fruit combos at this point ā€“ and have toasted left overs the next day with almond butter and a bit of apricot jam from our farmers market ā€“ heavenly!


  20. Very good pancakes. Used Namaste gluten free baking mix since I had no Bobā€™s Red Mill.

    Also added some frozen blueberries to the batter once it was on the griddle.

    Did notice this was very thick, unspreadably so. Maybe thatā€™s due to the switch in baking mix? Once the first side cooked a bit I flipped it and smooshed it down to ā€˜spreadā€™ it out and it was fine.

    Will bookmark these to be our new camping pancake recipe! Thank you.


  21. Wow! I had to comment just because of how good these turned out. Iā€™ve tried over half a dozen different GF pancake recipes over the years, and they all have turned out pretty bad ā€“ usually a tough, gritty texture thatā€™s goopy in the middle. Not so with this recipe! They were fluffy, perfect pancakes ā€“ just like the real deal.

    A couple notes:
    Judging from other comments, it seems like the flour mix you use has an impact on the consistency of the batter. I used the Trader Joeā€™s GF flour mix. I didnā€™t add the liquid all at once, and noticed the batter was starting to get a bit runny, so I didnā€™t end up using all of the ā€œbuttermilkā€/flax egg/oil mixture. Had maybe a tablespoon or two left over. So if you use the Trader Joeā€™s flour mix, Iā€™d keep an eye on that as you incorporate the wet into dry ā€“ you want it thin enough to pour easily and spread out on its own, but still have some viscosity. Also, I added a few pinches of coconut sugar to the mix.


    • Hi Tyler, thanks for the comments! Iā€™m glad you like them, and thanks for the feedback about the flour mixture!


  22. Hi Andrew, I hope you would find the time to make it with a GF flour that we can mix by ourselves bcoz it is quite hard to find the pre mix flour here in my area. Thanks,Mina.


  23. Aā€”MAZING!! Used a chia egg instead of flax and added banana-pecan maple syrup topping. Thank you for this!!


    • Nice! Thanks for the feedback, Iā€™m so glad to hear that you enjoyed them šŸ™‚


  24. Hi Andrew, my gluten free flour already has xanthan gum in the mix, do you think I would then leave out the flax egg when I make them? Thanks!


    • Hi Nikki, no I would still use the flax egg. It adds a lot that you might be missing with just xanthan. However, feel free to experiment and see what works best!


  25. Made these this morning! I was a little concerned when I messed up a few times, mainly the coconut oil froze up in the cold coconut milk, and then I ended up having to add some coconut milk to the batter at the end because it was too thickā€¦ BUT I added cinnamon and nutmeg right into the batter and I can honestly say these are the best pancakes Iā€™ve ever had. So happy!!

    I topped with berries and wild blueberry syrup šŸ™‚ Yum!


  26. Excellent recipe Andrew! Just excellent! Had nearly given up on a non gooey in the middle gf vegan pancake! Delicious! Iā€™m eating mine with sunbutter and strawberries!


  27. Canā€™t wait to try these. Thanks so much!


  28. I made gluten free, vegan hockey pucks with this recipe. Iā€™m a terrible cook, I guess.


  29. Hey Jason,
    I tried your recipe, however, I am allergic to corn and rice as well as wheat and eggs. So I used coconut flour and wouldnā€™t use baking power (because it us corn starch) and the batter was still very dry/thick.
    Any suggestions?


  30. Hi Andrew. I was skeptical about the claim(s) of how utterly delish are the pancakes. But, I was TRULY pleasantly surprised. I didnā€™t have the Bobā€™s Red Mill Glutenfree Baking Flour. Although, I typically use all BRM products I had simply run out of the baking flour. I had Aldi GF baking flour and Pillsbury GF all-purpose 1:1 flour. So, I combined the two(evenly=1c.)and when combining the liquids I added 1.5tbspn of agave nectar. I followed the remainder of your recipe exactly. And, OMGGGGG ā€“ they were better than regular gluten, dairy pancakes! And, the true litmus (test)was my meat-eating manā€¦.he LOVED them! They were wonderfully light & crispy outside; and delicately moist yet fluffy inside. The flax egg totally disappeared into the batter so we never tasted it.
    This is now my go-to pancake recipe! Canā€™t imagine pancakes any other way from now on. Thanks so much!


    • Very cool! Iā€™m so glad it works well for you. šŸ™‚


  31. Can you a grain free flour in this receipe?


    • Iā€™d like to know this too ā€“ hoping to use brown rice flourā€¦


  32. HI! Thanks so much for this recipe, one of my kiddos was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism and multiple food allergies, so I was very happy to be find this since sheā€™s a huge carb/dairy lover and canā€™t have them now ā€“ and I have ZERO experience with gf/allergy friendly cooking!

    A couple questions: although they tasted fine/cooked through, my pancakes werenā€™t as ā€œfluffyā€ or brown as the ones pictured, do you think itā€™s because I had to sub out the baking powder (daughter canā€™t have corn, and it contains cornstarch)? Or maybe the griddle? (I used cast iron).
    Tasted good with vegan butter, no other allergy friendly toppings in my pantry yet, but Iā€™m working on itā€¦ Thanks again!


    • Hi Erin, well not using baking powder would definitely be an issue in terms of the fluffiness. And if they werenā€™t brown, they might not have been at a high enough temperature (which could also contribute to them being too flat). If the batter doesnā€™t make a pretty intense sizzle when it hits the pan, itā€™s not hot enough. Hope that helps!


  33. This recipe followed exactly didnā€™t created pancakes, but rather air pockets with snappy gummy texture on the inside. Tried twice wasted expense organic ingredients. I donā€™t understand.


  34. Used oat flourā€¦.kept all else the same as the recipe. Hain baking powder.


  35. This looks delicious! Iā€™m on a vegan and gluten-free diet and have been looking for pancake recipe to try. Thanks for sharing!


  36. Hey Andrew,

    Can I substitute psyllium husk for the flaxseed ā€˜eggs?ā€™


    • Hi Annie, Iā€™ve never cooked with psyllium husk so I wouldnā€™t know for sureā€¦


  37. These are so flippin good! I could cry! I love them!!


    • Nice! Iā€™m glad you like them šŸ™‚


  38. Thank you for this!

    My son is temporarily GF, DF and EF. Weā€™ve been missing our sourdough pancakes.

    These were great! Mine were slightly thicken than they should be but I used a different flour blend. I could have thinned them out but I didnā€™t bother ā€“ they were delicious!

    God bless you


    • Awesome, Iā€™m glad you guys liked them, Danielle!


  39. I tried to do this recipe with almond flour and it was an epic fail!!! #dontusealmondflour :((


    • Yeahā€¦ when people bring up almond flour for baking I remind them that itā€™s more like sand than real flour, haha. Itā€™s just tiny chunks of almonds and it wonā€™t easily absorb water or form into any kind of batter šŸ™


  40. Delicious. Easy. Quick. I am oil free so got my nonstick pan started first on medium-low heat and waited for water balls. Substituted applesauce for the oil.


    • Nice! Thanks, Naomi! šŸ™‚ Iā€™m so glad you like them and itā€™s great to hear they work well 100% oil free (which Iā€™m always working towards in my own diet).


      • Hi Andrew,
        I was making these again today and didnā€™t have enough of Bobā€™s Red Mill GF flour so was looking to see what others had used and commented on. I added some oat flour which was fine just not as good as using Bobā€™s. In looking over the comments I saw my own from a year ago and wanted to add that I still donā€™t use oil and use a stainless pan. I still heat it up on low until the rolling water balls form, and it works great.


        • Thanks for the update, Naomi! Iā€™m glad to hear they work without oil because I pretty much never use oil anymore.


  41. These were amazing! Best pancakes weā€™ve had since being gluten free/vegan šŸ™‚ Added some cinnamon. Thanks so much!


  42. The saddest pancakes Iā€™ve ever made. I used a gluten free flour blend and followed the recipe accordingly. I had to add more milk otherwise it wouldnā€™t be moist enough. It ended up being a mushy gummy mess. I donā€™t know what happened šŸ™


    • This happened to me, too, when I used a flour other than the Bobā€™s Red Mill GF flour. All GF flours are not created the same. The Bobā€™s Red Mill GF flour works great, and this recipe is now the only pancake recipe we use.


  43. I tried your recipe and it was so delicious and tasty!!
    I was wondering about the amount of calories and fat in one pancake. šŸ™‚


    • Hi Ellinor! Thanks so much for taking a minute to let me know you liked these pancakes. I donā€™t calculate nutrition info myself, but I did write a tutorial on how to find it:


  44. Am I missing something? These stick so bad to my nonstick pan even when spraying with olive oil.


  45. My autistic son is picky and loves these. My life is super busy and I was wondering if making the batter overnight was still work ā€¦ given the coconut oil getting coldā€¦?


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Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes Recipe (2024)


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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